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A/N: Another small chapter, I really need to step it up.

On another note,

I have a new story called Shaking hands, it's a Tradley story and it'll only have like 10 small chapters.

I know I never write anything other than Bronnor or Trames but I needed to do this story, after those 10 chapters i'll post a bigger sequel, which won't be tradley but one of the normal ships.


"I'm Mel, for those of you who don't know; I'm the daughter of Athena-"

Mel got down here the very next day to take over from Brynn.

I heard some guys whisper at the other end of the circle and looking at her.

I nudged James and pointed to them.

They weren't going to survive that.

"If you guys ever talk about me like that again-"

Mel turned around and pointed the tip of her sword to one guy's throat.

I wasn't going to say anything, Mel was skilled, she knew how to handle her shit.

I put my hands behind my head and shrugged at the guy who was now looking at me.

"-Then I won't hesitate in cutting off your balls"

The guy nodded at her and she let down her sword.

"I will not be disrespected, remember that"

I heard James let out a giggle next to me.

"You, get up"

Mel instructed the guy who was whispering about her to her friends.

"Pick up your sword"

He did as he was told.

Now the thing is, Mel has never been beaten in a battle before.

Of course not, she was smart about her every move.

I think only her and Brynn ever had a fair match.

But Brynn is more aggressive than Mel.

Mel thinks and Brynn does.

Mel won,

Of course.

But Brynn gave her a rough time.

She defeated the guy in a matter of seconds and asked me to help her explain some things.

Brynn always taught how to fight.

Mel taught us some strategic stuff.

"I'm bored"

James whispered to me after only 5 minutes.

"You better keep your mouth shut if you don't wanna get your dick cut off"

"Can't have that now can we?"

He smirked.


I shook my head and smiled.


My idiot though.


"Have you seen Artemis' son?"

Mel was looking at me with the biggest smile ever.

"Why? What do you want with Connor?"

She looked at me like I was crazy for even asking that.

"Obviously I wanna see the dragon"

Oh yeah.

"Eh he went to the stables I think, if you can't find him there he'll be at the blacksmith"

She nodded and skipped off.

Actually skipped.


"Now that we're alone"

James looked at me.

"Actually I need to talk to Nathan"

James pouted at me and Ale growled.

"Shut up Ale"

James glared at the wolf.

Ale just motioned his head towards medical.

"Really, they can't go a day without me?"

He sighed and kissed me quickly.

"Guess I'll see you tonight then"

I nodded.


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