Chapter 1 - Dare

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Hi guys! I don't know if anyone will be interested in this story, but I thought that it would be cool to write a story with this idea. I haven't seen it yet. I don't know about the update times because of how busy I always am. Once I finish my other scömìche book, I should be able to update this once a week. Thanks for reading!

Scott's POV

I roll my eyes as I walk into my best friend Derek's house. He was already sitting on the couch with endless junk food. I just left 30 minutes ago to get some overnight things.

Derek looks at me. "Hey man, ready to play some video games?" I smirk. "Ready to get your ass kicked?" It was his turn to roll his eyes, even though we are pretty close in every race we play on Mario Kart.

I sit next to him and we begin playing the game, whilst eating tons of Hot Cheetos.

After a while, which was about 2 hours, we get bored of video games. He says. "This is the first time that I've ever been tired at ten o'clock.." I nod in agreement. "Let's try to stay up for a while longer."

He nods, yawning and says. "Hey, I have a dare for you." I sigh. "What is it?" He smirks. "You know how you have been wanting Mortal Kombat X?" I nod, listening closer now.

Derek says. "I dare you to ask out that faggot in our Science class. If you can get him to say that he loves you by the end of this school year, I'll give you the money for that game."

I gag a little. "Mitch Grassi? You want me to even talk to him..?" He smirks and nods.

So I weigh my options. Date gross nerd and get awesome game.. Or date hot girl and don't get an awesome game. I bite my lip and look at him. "I'll do it for a hundred bucks."

Here I am, sitting there watching him think about it for a second before smirking and nodding. "Deal." We shake on it and go to bed.

I was really, really dreading school tomorrow...

In the morning, Derek gets ready upstairs while I shower downstairs. I get dressed and make sure I look as sexy as always am before going Derek's room to grab my backpack.

He smirks at me. "Ready to go see lover-boy?" I groan. "Ugh, don't remind me... I just really, really wanna Mortal Kombat X.."

We get in our cars and drive to school. I tried to drive as slow as possible. I haven't even talked to the little nerdy fag before. He would never believe that I like him.. I'll have to take it slow. I mean, we have 12 weeks until the semester ends.

I park my car and get out, completely not ready. Plus, my other friends didn't know what was going on. They would think that I'm a faggot if I didn't tell them. Yay, more stalling!

Derek and I go to the courtyard and walk to our friends. Avi and Kevin are my best friends too, then there is also Kirstie. I've known her for such a long time, and I would find it weird go be attracted to her. She definitely is beautiful, though.

Kevin smiles widely. "Hey Scott, hey Derek." We wave and smile back.

I watch Kirstie run off to talk to her friend Esther. Derek says "We are going to clear up something. Scott has been dared to go out with the faggot in our first period. So he isn't gay, just desperately wanting a video game." I roll my eyes.

Avi and Kevin look at each other then back at us. "Alright. Sounds good." Avi says. I smile at them and nod. "I'll approach that thing after school."

What I didn't know, is that Avi and Kevin were very not okay with me doing something like that. They only agreed because they wanted to see if I could find out more about myself through this, but I didn't know that.

The bell rings and I walk into first period. I see Mitch sitting by himself on a stool at one of the lab tables. I sigh and sit across from him. He looks up, surprised that someone sat by him. Especially someone tall, blonde, and popular, such as myself.

Now let's talk about Mitch. He is very short, maybe 6 inches shorter than me. He used to be pretty pudgy, but now he is very skinny. All I ever see him wear are tight skinny jeans and big T-shirts, so no wonder he isn't popular.

He stares at me and I smirk slightly. The late bell rings and class starts. I actually do my work since I'm good at science and at the end of class, I see Mitch looking at me again.

I smirk at him and wink, causing his face to quickly tint pink. He looks away and I smirk to myself. 'I'm already I'm his head..'

The morning went well through my first four periods, content with how I have done so far and go to lunch.

Scanning the cafeteria, I find my friends. Kirstie wasn't there, which was a bit strange. I sit down and smile at the three jocks. Derek asks. "So, how has it gone so far?" I smirk. "All I did was sit across from him and he wouldn't stop staring at me. Then I winked at him and he started blushing like crazy."

Derek chuckles and I say. "I'll talk to him after school." He smiles. "Im already entertained."

We eat lunch, chatting as normal. I ask "Hey, where is Kirst?" Kevin says. "Don't worry. She felt sick, so she went home." I nod and the bell rings.

The four of us leave to our classes and I manage to make Mitch blush two times in 6th period. It really is too easy.

After the end of school, I leave class and look through the hallways filled with students that are anxious to leave. I go to my locker and get my stuff before looking at the almost empty hallway. I assumed that Mitch would wait until mostly everyone left so that he could escape any bullies. Smart kid.

I see him scurry across the hall to his locker and get his stuff. I walk there and when he closes it, he is met with me standing right in front of him. I smile charmingly. "Hey. Mitch, right?" I already see his face turn pink as he nods.

This is going to be fun.

Thanks for reading guys! Tell me if you like it or if you don't, because feedback makes me really, really happy! Love you guys!

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