Chapter 2 - Chillin'

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Hey! I saw how much everyone likes this story, so I decided to post it early. I may or may not be posting one on Friday. I'm not sure. <3 Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Scott's POV

I keep my smile on. "I'm Scott." He just nods again, still staring at me. He looked like a little kid meeting his Idol. I mean, I may as well be. I'm pretty great. Mitch stares at me and I say. "I've seen you around school, and I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime." He looked at me with fear flashing in his eyes. "W-why..?" He asks softly. My eyes widen slightly at how high his voice is.

Did this kid ever reach puberty? He is in the same grade as I am, and I think that he is at least 16. I say. "Well, you look like a cool guy. Plus, I think we could be very good friends."

I loved watching his face quickly turn red. "I-i.. Um.." Mitch stutters. Chuckling softly, I say. "Here, I'll drive you home. Then we can hang out tomorrow after school." As soon as I finish, Mitch opens his mouth to decline my offer. I wink and he blushes, shutting his mouth. I smirk slightly. "Come on."

We go to my car, Mitch obviously very uncomfortable. I open the door for him before getting in on the driver's side. He gives me his address and I smile at him. "Hey, I live pretty close to you. Isn't that great?"

The small brunette boy just stared at his binder silently and I bite my lip. As I start to drive, I say. "So, who are your friends?" He doesn't look up from his plain black binder and quietly says. "I don't have any friends.."

Ouch, that's pretty sad... I keep my eyes on the road. "Oh.." I say softly. He stays silent and I try another question. "Do you want to come to my house tomorrow, or do I come to yours.

He softly says. "My house will be fine.." I nod. "Awesome." We get to his house and I smile at him. "Bye, Mitch. I'll see you tomorrow!" I say happily. I have always tried to brighten things up with energy. I may not like him, but Mitch being sad puts me in a bad mood.

He waves a little. "B-bye.." He says softly as he opens the door and I say. "Oh, wait!" He looks up at me quickly, obviously startled. "H-huh..?"

I smile widely. "Do you have a phone?" He nods a little and I put my hand out. Mitch hesitantly puts his phone in my hand. I quickly put my number in the phone, putting the contact as 'Scott :)'. I also take a selfie for the photo and text myself before giving him the phone.

Mitch puts it in his pocket, the phone barely fitting in the tight pants. "Bye, Mitchie!" He blushes and mumbles a goodbye before getting out and running to the door. He goes inside and I smile to myself. 'Day one was a success.'

I continued on my way home and parked my car when I got there. My parents tried to talk to me, but I only gave them short, vague answers to anything they said.

After eating dinner, I fill in Derek on the details. He is just too into gossip. He is worse than any girl.. Ok, thats a lie. Kirstie is the absolute worst.

Hanging up, I sigh tiredly before taking a shower and going to bed.

Mitch's POV

I wake up in the morning, still tired and I shower quickly before getting my backpack. I didn't want to deal with seeing Scott today. Do I look stupid? He is obviously going to beat me up at some point.

I told my mom that I may have a friend come over and she nearly exploded since I was having someone be nice to me, let alone talk to me. That's one point for society, zero for me.

So, here I go. 'Come at me world.' I think as I start walking to hell. I mean, school. Nah, hell is fine.

I get there and go to class, already seeing Scott Hoying sitting on the same spot from yesterday. My fear comes back full force by just looking at him. He is twice my size.. I sit down and try to not look at him, but keep failing as he winks, smirks, and smiles at me. I blush deeply. Why does he have to be so hot..?

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