Chapter 9 - Resistance

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Hello guys! I've been getting some sweet comments lately! It makes me really happy. I am very surprised at the amount of views and votes on this! I mean, 3.3K views and almost 300 votes?! Omg! I love you guys.

Update: That was like three (Soon to be four) months ago. I'm super sorry for not updating anything.. I've been feeling more down lately. (There's my fucking excuse.) I'm still a fucking dumbass, but at least I'm trying.

Another update: Oh, wow. Not only do I have sucky grades in three core classes, but I ditched the damn story again... I even know what I want to write.. I just never get to it..

Scott's POV

I wake up at about 8:00 in the morning, feeling something against me. Though the little bit if light that my curtains allow into my room burns my eyes, I open them to see a little brunette curled into my side. Just like a kitten.

Mitch nuzzles my chest in his sleep and I smile. He is so fucking adorable. I haven't quite accepted my sexuality or crush so far. I wonder if he can tell...

Speak of the angel, Mitch opens his big brown eyes and looks up at me sleepily. "Good morning, Mitchie." He smiles tiredly. "Morning, Scotty.." My heart swells up at his simple sweetness.

Why is he so cute..?

I mean, I'm pretty sure that I'm gay.. Or bi.. I don't know, I'm Mitchexual. I just don't know if I want to be. It's hard to not think about his perfection...

Still doesn't mean that I'm not going through with the dare. I mean, just because my bitchy friend attempted to reprimand me and Mitch is being... Him... I'm not giving in any more than I have.

I can't deal with that kind of burden.

Still, being the dick that I am, I feel sorry for him. Hell, I know that what I'm doing is cruel and wrong. Back to reality...

The brunette boy cuddles back into me like it's a normal occurrence. I look down at the still innocent Mitch Grassi. Inwardly, I bite my lip, wondering if I can go through with this. Of course I can. I can do fucking anything.

He slowly pulls away enough to open his eyes again, still hating the light. He yawns like a kitten and I can't stop the smile from coming onto my face.

He's making it really hard to use him...

Mitch sits up, removing my arms from his waist. "Ugh.." He voices as he sighs tiredly. "What time is it..?" The brown-eyed boy asks. I look at the clock and roll my eyes when I realize that I was staring at him for over twenty minutes.

As I mentally face palm, I look at him and smile. "About 8:30."

He quickly gets up. "Fuck." Mitch begins taking of his shirt, showing an awful lot of pale, smooth skin and I looked at it for a moment too long. He gasps. "Don't watch!" A deep red gathers onto the apples of his cheeks.

I look away, blushing slightly and bites my lip. "Sorry." He sighs. "You can look.. Damn pervert.." He mumbles the last part, so I am unable to hear it.

I'm sure that it was something about how hot I am or something, you know?

I get up, looking at the newly-dressed boy. "Why are you in such a hurry, Mitch?" He looks at me, not having my shit. "What the fuck is it to you?" He says rudely.

My eyes widen, a bit hurt and I frown. He keys his guard down a little and sighs. "I.. I'm sorry, Scott.." I bite my lip and nod a little. "It's fine.. I'll see you soon?" He says with an apologetic smile. I smile a soft smile.

I nod. "Yeah.." I kiss his cheek and he blushes a little. "Bye, Mitch." I chuckle. He blushes more and mumbles a goodbye before running away and out of the house.

I look at the short boy through the window as he walks down the street. I'm pretty content with the shade of pink that's still on his face.

*Three Months Later*

Mitch's POV

Over the past while, Scott has really grown on me. He's not as big of a dick as I thought he was and I actually consider him and Kirstie to be my best friends.

I'm currently walking to Scott's house because he said he wanted to talk. Honestly, I'm scared. What if he's mad at me or something..? I haven't done anything, so I'm confused and nervous.

As I walk up to the door, it opens. I look up at the tall blonde boy, surprised that he had known I was there. "We need to talk.." He says on a serious voice and I bite my lip, nodding.

Scott let's me go inside and we head up to his room, both of us sitting on the bed once we're up there. I look at him before nervously playing with the loose threads on the worn blue bedding.

The suspense really starts bothering me. "Well, what did you want to talk about..?" I ask quietly. Scott bites his lip, seeming conflicted.

What I didn't know, is that Scott is caught between asking me out for money or asking me out for his own romantic relationship. He looks at me, acting kind of shy. "So, um.. You know.. What's up?" He mumbles awkwardly.

I giggle at how awkward it is, finding it super cute. I happen to do this a lot. Did I mention that I have huge crush on the Hoying boy? Well, I do. He visibly relaxes at this. I kiss his cheek and he blushes, smiling. I was wondering, um.. If you wanted to.. Like.. "

A giggle escapes, knowing what the question is. "Want to what, Scotty?" Scott blushes. "Maybe.. Go on a few dates.. Real dates."

I smile widely, blushing slightly. "Gladly."

You all are probaby pissed, so.. Bye. <3

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