Chapter 11 - Verbal Abuse

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Hi. I'm literally so tired. PARCC Testing was hard because I didn't understand like half of the Math section.. On the English I went all out. They want an essay, I'll give them an essay. They are going to take forever grading that shit. :D

Thanks for not hating me by the way! XD I love all of you guys. Literally all of you. <3 I'm sorry if this chapter is too short, but I really tried.

Update: That was almost two months ago.. I wrote a little of a chapter then, but stopped and got writer's block for a bit. I'm back! Not sure if there's any schedule though.

Update again: Sorry.

Scott's POV

I sit on my bed at my house, still really confused as to why Mitch never showed up. I just really don't understand why he wouldn't text me or anything.

Not once has it occurred to be that he could possibly be hurt or in trouble.

I think things more along the lines of 'He's ignoring me.' or 'He could be with another guy.'

Soon enough, my confusion begins to turn into anger.

Why the fuck would he leave me standing there, like some God damned idiot? Why didn't he have the fucking sense to tell me where he is?

I know that somewhere, deep in my head, there's a voice that's saying, 'Maybe because you don't own him?' That voice is just ignored though.

While I'm in this little tantrum I'm throwing, I send a few texts towards Mitch.

To: Mitchie <3

Why the fuck didn't you show up?

To: Mitchie <3

I don't appreciate looking like an idiot while waiting for my bitch of a boyfriend.

To: Mitchie <3

If I don't get any answers soon, shit will go down. Are you slutting it up somewhere?

To: Mitchie <3

You have about ten minutes before I fucking leave your sorry ass.

These texts aren't really anything short of verbal abuse, but I don't really care.

After a little while of just sitting on my bed and calming down, I realize that I had went overboard.

Well, I now know that my emotions can get out of hand when I over think. What can I do about it now, though? He got the texts and I don't have no idea how he is reacting to them.

I don't know what to do. Text him that I'm sorry? Ignore my phone? Yeah. Let's do that.

Wow, I'm such a fucking pussy. It's stunning.

Mitch's POV

Once I walk home with a slight limp, I go to my bathroom and clean the blood off of my face.

I sigh at the bruising and decide to just take a shower. I start the shower, stripping and biting my lip when I look at my body in the mirror. "Gross.." I whisper sadly as I get in the shower, the hot water immediately stinging my cuts my hitting my bruises with a bit more pressure than I'd like at the moment.

After I finish my painful cleanup session, I put on a pair of boxers before collapsing onto bed.

I weakly reach over to grab my phone on the other side of the bed, my fingertips falling just short of it as I pass out. From there on out it was just a deep, dead sleep.


Scott's POV

I wake up the next morning, not a care in the world. This would be because I totally forgot about the texts I had sent Mitch the pervious night.

After taking my shower, I put on jeans and a teal tank top before I get in my car and head to hell.

Just driving to school with my radio blasting Queen Bey. Just the normal jock life. Yep.

Mitch's POV

I wake up with a mood that's a bit different than Scott's.


Then I roll over and I can only describe how I feel with one word.


Somehow, I manage to drag my tiny, bruised body out of bed.

I silently put on makeup to cover every bruise I have, putting on a random long-sleeved shirt to cover ones that I don't feel like covering, as well as the only pair of not extremely tight pants I have.

All ready in the outfit that makes me feel super ugly, I start walking to school.

I wonder how long I can walk before the pain makes me collapse and drown in my tears.

Scott's POV

After I close my locker, I look over to see Mitch at the doors of the school entrance.

Boom. The memories from last night immediately come back. Like the man I am, I'll deal with this with a sense of resp-

Oh. How did I get in the Men's bathroom? Huh. Oh well. I may as well just hang out in here...

So the hiding began.

After about five minutes, I walk out and see Mitch at his locker, with his phone in his hand.

I see a both terrified and heartbreaking expression come onto his face as he looks at his phone. I know exactly what's wrong.

He's reading my texts.

Mitch's POV

I read the texts from Scott and start to panic.

To: Mitchie <3

You have about ten minutes before I fucking leave your sorry ass.

I feel tears well up in my eyes as I read the final message. Does that mean he dumped me? I don't want to be alone again.

Not yet. I don't want that. I'm always feeling completely alone. I don't want Scott to hate me, but he does.

I fucked up. It's all my fault. I'm a fucking idiot.

You see, over-thinking is a common problem with Mitchell Grassi. My body's default mode is to blame myself for every little thing, especially when it's implied that I should feel that way.

Next thing I know, everything goes black.

Did I mention that I forgot to make sure I was breathing properly while I was over-thinking?

Well, there's that. Sorry I suck at being a consistent author. I love you guys if you've stuck with me or if you're new! <3

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