Chapter 7

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"How many books do you think there are?" Gia asked Masky as she reached up for Maze Runner. "Thousands?" He shrugged watching her stretch out trying to retrieve the book.

She caught it and threw it back, accidentally throwing it and hitting Masky in the face. "Oh my god! Masky are you okay?" She jumped down hurrying over to him. He pulled off his mask and his nose started bleeding.

"I am so sorry!!" She gasped and he chuckled picking up his mask and holding his nose before leaving the room.

She bit her lip and bent down to pick up her book when she heard a low chuckle and the door slammed shut. "Why hello there" a deep raspy voice chuckled and she turned around facing a tall man, he had white skin, literally, white skin, like Slenderman, he had a blazer and a loose tie around his neck and a fedora his lips curling into a flirtatious smirk.

"Hi" she muttered feeling extremely uncomfortable in his presence. "What might your name be?" He asked taking a step closer making her take one back. "G-Gia, and who are you?" She asked and he smiled wider, he was creepy.

"Offenderman, but you can call me Offender" he chuckled. "What gave you your name?" She asked and he was surprised by her question. "Hmm, what I do..." he rasped and she shivered.

"What do you do?" She asked and he seemed to be right before her, she tried to step away but a tenticle wrapped around her waist, keeping her in place. "I give women... A choice" he seemed unsure of what exactly to say.

"What kind of choice?" She pried off the tenticle and stepped away from him. He smirked, in two other testicles she saw a red rose and a blue rose. "I'm confused?" She mumbled leaning back against the door. "The choice is, red rose allows you to be granted my undying devotion and sexual desires. The blue rose forfeits your life. If you will not love me, I won't allow you to love another" he growled and she stared at him wide eyes before turning and trying to open the door.

"Shit, help!! Toby!! Masky!!! Help!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She didn't know what else to do, she felt like he was pulling her into his own little mind game but she did not want anything he came to offer, but she was too scared to deny him, especially being alone, locked in a room with him.

A tenticle wraps around her waist and she screamed louder. "Rape! Rape!! Help me please?!!"


Toby panted hard as he walked into the mansion, hoisting his hatchets on his weapon rack, wiping the blood off his hands and walking along the passage.

He hears faint screams and froze, trying to identify where and who it was coming from. Hoody and Masky walked by and he shush ed them, his eyes realised it was Gia's own voice. "Where the hell is Gia?!" His eye twitched as he held fists.

"I left her in library because she threw a book at my face, giving me a nose bleed" he exclaimed, his eyes widen as he hears them too. They run towards the library to hear her words more clearly. "TOBY!!! MASKY!! Hoodie!!! Rape!!! Rape!!!" She screamed and then they heard the deep, raspy voice.

"Fuck! Hoodie get Slenderman!" Masky remarked and Hoodie was off before they knew it. "Offender! Don't you dare touch her!!" They both screamed, attempting to open the door.

The screams die down and their eyes widen. "No, I swear to god!" Toby screamed banging his body into the doors. The doors swung open as Slenderman stood behind them, Gia reaching for the roses. Toby was quick to pull her away from him, her dazed state being broken as she fainted in his arms.

They sighed in relief but Slenderman gaze was on Offenderman, and they knew he was furious. "Go" he hissed and Offenderman sighed leaving the room, his gaze on Gia before turning around the corner, Slenderman following.


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