Chapter 12

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(Not a creepypasta, but I do love him, SUBSCRIBE TO CRYAOTIC)

~3 weeks later~

Gia gripped onto his hand tightly as they walked through the crowd of people, his hand squeezing hers as if to reassure her. He looked down at her, his blue eyes staring down at her kindly.

"Do you even know where it is?" She asked biting her lip nervously. "I-I think s-so" he shrugged as they continue to push through the people. "Why are there so many?" Gia asked as she clutched his hand tighter, fearing of letting go.

"H-How am I-I s-supposed to k-know?" He rolled his eyes. "What if I were to lose you?" She asked, the amount of pressure being put into her lip, the metallic taste touching her tongue. "Y-You won't" he nodded sharply as they took a turn her hand losing his.

"Brian?" She called out not seeing him. "You won't lose me my ass" she muttered under her breath as she pushed through trying to find him.

She gets into a empty area and panted before shivering in fear. "Brian?!" She screamed but there was no answer.

"You lost?" A voice says from behind. She shot around seeing man, in his early twenties, he was quite tan, his ocean blue eyes sending her through a trace which she shook off and his fluffy brown hair making her smile. He wore a blue hoodie with 'sup' on the front and faded black skinny jeans, wearing black converse.

"Eh... yeah" she sighed shamefully. "Ah, it's okay friend, I'm Ryan, but my friends call me Cry" he stepped forward sticking his hand out to her. She hesitated.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya" he smiled sheepishly. He smiled back, stepping forward and taking his hand.

"What might your name be friend?" He smiled pulling away and nodding, meaning she had to follow."I'm Gia" she smiled warily and he nudged her playfully. "Hey, calm down, friend, I'm not dangerous" he chuckled softly her smile growing.

"Cry huh?" She asked and he smiled. "I'm a YouTuber you see" he shrugged and it clicked. "OH! I love your videos!" She gasped staring at him, a smile curling on his lips.

"I'm glad to hear it."

"How'd you get lost?" He asked looking at her, she bit her lip again, hissed silently at the stinging pain. "My friend, Brian, lost me in the crowd" she sighed shaking her head and Ryan giggled, her smile widening at his adorable laugh.


They finally reached outside and she saw Tim and Brian outside, their expression full of worry. "Gia!" Brian gasped running up to her, wrapping his arms around her. "You totally didn't lose me!" She snapped sarcastically.

Brian blushed before looking over at Ryan, his eyes studying him carefully. "Oh right, this is Ryan, he helped me get out off there" she nudged Cry slightly, making him chuckle.

"Sup?" He gives a small wave and they cracked a smile. "Thanks a lot Ryan" Tim stood, walking over to him, giving him a strong hand shake. "You should really watch out for her, friends" he smiled glancing over at her, a cheeky smile on his handsome face.

"B-By the w-way, s-she's taken" Brian was quick to add, Ryan's eyes widen slightly as he lifted his hands. "Woah woah, I had no intention of doing anything like that!" He said quickly and she smiled at his shock.

"Don't worry" Tim slung an arm around his shoulders and walked along with him, chatting happily.

"Please don't hurt him" she hissed only loud enough for Brian to hear. "W-Why do y-you care?" Brian pulled on his backpack. "He's my friend, and I would like to keep him the way he is! Alive!" She barked and Hoodie rolled his eyes before nodding in annoyance.

"T-Toby won't l-like this" Brian sighed and she shoved him roughly. "Exactly! I thought YOU were my friend! You're supposed to help me with Toby not go against!" She snapped and he rose an eyebrow at her.

"I-In what w-way do I-I do t-this?" Brian snapped back. "You back him up when he acts over protective! He gets way too unfair!" She spat and he cleared his throat as he scratched the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah I g-guess you're r-right" he sighed and she untensed slightly.

"Still, take that to consideration" she walked ahead, catching up to Ryan and Tim.


"A bow and arrow!" Gia's eyes widen as she sees the weapons hidden in Hoodies usually locked room. She was curious of the contents and she decided to explore.

She closed the door, switching on the light.

Her eyes land on a photograph, the frame was carved wood, with words in it. She picked it up, squinting to see it better. It was of Brian and a girl. He was much younger, it was obvious. She had her arms around his neck as he carried her on his back.

She had long red hair and bright green eyes, freckles covering her pale cheeks. He looked lively and happy, his baby blue eyes shining in delight. In the corner of the photo was writing, on both bottom corners, one different from the other and in different signature writing.

On the left corner she read:

'Hey baby...
Can I just say you changed my life, for the better good
Of course
I wish we could live a normal happy life
Start a family
Get married
And all but I know it's not possible...
Just to let you know
I love you
I always will <3

Love K'

Gia smiled, it was so precious, it was so cute, it made her heart swell. She looked at the other:

'Dearest Kia

I love you, I love you, I love you, oh so much
I wish
I could have met you before I...
You know
I wish it could be different
You brought something in me
That I haven't felt in so long
Love, honest, deep true love
It will never fade

Love Brian'

Gia smiled, he was in love once... She had never known.

"What are you doing here?!" A voice growled and her eyes widen as she froze. She gulped before slowly turning and facing Brian's angered expression. She had never seen him so angry.

"Brian" she started putting down the photograph. "I always told you NEVER to come in here! And you have no fucking respect for my feelings!" He screamed his fists being held. "Brian, calm down" she started but he walked to her, standing right before her.

"You know what!? I hope I cause your death!!!" He screamed his fists colliding with her cheek, knocking her to the ground.

"I might even make it now" he smiled insanely as he pulled out his gun and pointed it at her head. Then there was a loud bang.


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