Chapter 16

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Ryan sighed as he leaned into the wall, his arms crossed stubbornly.

"How long is this going to take?" He huffed and Gia laughed looking through the underwear. "Why I am at Victoria's Secret, I may never- you know what, I'm fine" he chuckled staring at a girl who was watching him.

"Real smooth Ryan" She chuckled and he winked at the girl, Gia slapping his arm. "Hush" he snapped.

"Come on Cry, you're better than that" Gia exclaimed and he sighed before wrapping an arm around her making the other girl scowl and stomp off.

They exited and walked towards a drug store. "Remind me why we're here?" He asked looking at Gia with a frown. "For Brian" she exclaimed picking up three boxes and walking to the front.

A lady was in front of them, they noticed the anxiety pills she was buying, but they didn't say anything. She looked tired.

"Mrs Rogers?" The lady at the front mumbled and the two looked up, their eyes wide with interest.

"Um Ma'am?" Ryan spoke up as she paid in her money, her tired eyes glancing at them with a polite smile. "Yes?" She asked, they notice the desperate look in her eye, meaning she wanted nothing but to go home.

"You wouldn't happen to know anything about Toby Rogers?" Gia asked and the lady's eyes became threatening. "I told YOU! He died! Why can't you people leave me in peace!?" She rose her voice, earning stares.

"No! We meant no harm, we just, happen to know something about your son" Gia exclaimed and the lady's expression changed. "I never told you he was my son" she hissed and Ryan looked at Gia.

"We just um assumed Ma'am, he's not dead" Ryan cut in and Gia gave him a thankful glance. "Get the fuck away from me!" She snapped, storming out.


"Do you realise what this means?!" Ryan gasped as they ran in the woods. "Yes" Gia panted, tripping over a root, Ryan catching her.

"Toby's mum is alive!" Ryan gasped, and Gia rolled her eyes pushing him away. "But he doesn't remember anything from his previous life Ryan" Gia sighed, slowing down as they saw the mansion.

"Oh? Really?" He asked and she nodded, climbing up the stairs. "Yes, I would ask Slenderman but he just scares the shit out of me" Gia shrugged.


They walk in, Gia walks into EJ, as soon as he sees her, his head drops, guilt filling him up. "Jack, I told you, I forgive you! Stop feeling so bad about it" she hugged him and he hesitantly hugged her back.

"Still, I'm sorry" he mumbled pulling away. Gia and Ryan stood outside Slendermans library, not sure who should knock. Gia lifted her hand and the door slowly creaked open.

"Yes?" Slenderman asked, his back facing them as he 'looked' out the window. "We were wondering whether you knew anything about Toby's life, before?" Gia asked after a few seconds.

"Why?" Slender looked back at them with his featureless face. "Just um, wondering" Ryan coughed scratching the back of his neck nervously. "That information is classified" He exclaimed and they looked at each other with knowing looks.

"Okay..." They sighed, before turning and walking out. "Very well" Slender turned back to his window. As soon as they exited, Gia slammed her back into the wall, her hand over her chest as she panted hard. "Holy shit, damn that was scary" She huffed and he nodded, running his fingers through his hair.

"Hey, I made a mask" Ryan smiled pulling his backpack off his back and onto the floor. "Oh?" She walked towards him. He pulled out a white mask, it had two small black circles on each side and a long line underneath.

"Oh that's so cool" she beamed and he nodded pulling on his backpack. Toby stomped past and they watched him, Gia running after him and taking his arm, making him stop. He looked back at her, she couldn't see his eyes, since he still had his goggles on.

"Yes?" He spat and she stared at him, slightly shocked by his tone. His attention directed to Cry, his head tilting to the side and Gia sighed, wrapping her arms around him, he stayed still.

"It's me, Ryan" Cry exclaimed, scratching the back of his neck. Toby nodded, looking down at Gia, slightly pushing her off and walking off, Gia and Cry following him. "Stop!" Toby screamed and they stopped, Cry walking into Gia.

"I don't want you to follow me! Stay the fuck away from me!" He screamed looking back at them before walking away.


"What do you mean stay away?" Toby growled, his fists slamming onto the desk, his eyes staring at the faceless monster. "You know what I mean, this isn't going to end well, just like Hoodie" Slender hummed, straighting his papers.

"Bullshit! I have a right to see her!" Toby screamed, leaning forward on the desk. "You heard me TOBY!" Slender stood, Toby glared at his in anger. "I am not fucking doing that!" He hissed and Slender wrapped a tendril around Toby holding him up.

"I have authorisation over who you may and may not situate yourself with and I am certain to make it sure you stay away from her!" Slender boomed and Toby sighed.

"Dismissed" Slender pushed him out the doors, slamming behind Toby. He stayed motionless, standing and walking to his room, closing the door and locking it before collaspsing to the ground, screaming and sobbing.

After a shot while, he stood, pulling out his hatchets and exiting the room, making his way out the mansion only to bump into Gia and someone he didn't recognise. Toby bit his lip, stomping past them until Gia grabbed his arm making him clench his teeth before looking back at her, feeling the urge to greet her lovingly.

"Yes?" He spat seeing her shocked expression, his eyes looked at the man, his head tilting to the side in confusion. "It's me, Ryan" he exclaimed, scratching the back of his neck. Toby nodded, feeling the urge to run away, he looked down at Gia before sighing in his mind and pushing her off his slightly before turning and trying to leave.

He heard them following him, he held in the urge to cry. "Stop!" He screamed and heard them stop, Ryan running into Gia's back in surprise.

"I don't want you to follow me! Stay the fuck away from me!" He screamed looking back at them, their expressions shocked, his heart breaking as he saw Gia's hurt expression, he held in a breath before walking on and exiting the mansion.


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