Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:


"What's up with you bringing in orphans and shit?" Hidan ask as he studied Aki and Yuki. Mizuki grunted and rolled his eyes. As you can see, Mizuki still hates Hidan's guts. Though I don't blame him one bit. 

"Hidan. Shut up." I ordered. Hidan gave me that "what the fuck you talking about girl?" look before he huffed and walked away. I felt Mizuki ease up beside me. Hidan just doesn't understand respect, it gets annoying, though he's still pretty cool. 

"Aki and Yuki will be running the errands that we shouldn't waste our time on." Mizuki said. Aki nodded, Yuki was asleep in her arms. We all agreed that Aki could be useful to run errands like getting supplies or going into town. Things that...normal people do. 

"Itachi will bring you to where you're staying."Konan informed her. Aki nodded again, though she looked like she was struggling with holding Yuki up. Aki wasn't really the strongest person, she had a small frame and looked like she barely ate. She must've been treated terribly where she used to stay. 

I walked up to her, she looked at me with wide eyes and her grip on Yuki tighten a little. 

"May I help you?" I asked, Aki looked at Itachi and he nodded. Aki gently handed over Yuki, she was freaking adorable! I cradled her in my arms, she was extremely light also. She looked like she was maybe 3 or 4 years old. 

"I will accompany Itachi and Aki on their trip." I informed Konan, she nodded and then disappeared.  

"Mizuki. Stay here and watch for Ookami." I ordered. Mizuki nodded and walked back inside the house with Mao and Sora. Itachi, Aki, Yuki, and I were the only ones out.

"Let's go." Itachi said. Aki and I nodded as we followed Itachi out towards the abandon house. It was actually a really nice house. It had a kitchen, bathroom, one bedroom, a living room, and a dinning room. The house was small, but it was on a lot of land.

"Rain, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Itachi ask, I nodded and jumped next to Aki. She looked over to check on Yuki, a small smile formed on her lips as she looked ahead. She stood protectively next to me, she was aware of every noise and movement around us. She was a sensory type. 

"I am fine. Don't worry about me." I said as I dodged a branched and jumped next to Itachi, Aki jumped next to me and we stopped. The house was just below us now, Aki gasped. 

"Is that it?" She asked. Itachi nodded and jumped down, Aki and I followed shortly. 

"Rain had provided all you needed, the water and electrcity all works, the fridge and cabinets has been stocked with food, Sora has gotten you new clothes also. You will be training with Mizuki. Rain, help settle her in. I must go now." Itachi said. 

I nodded and walked past him, his arm shot out. "But first, may I speak to you?" He asked. I nodded and handed Yuki over to Aki. Aki bowed and basically ran into the house. The house was right near a cliff, which had a tiny pond at the bottom, it was quite beautiful. Itachi motioned me over and we both sat at the edge of the cliff. 

"I'll be back by tomorrow, that's for sure." Itachi said. I smile took my face and I looked down. 

"Even if you weren't, I wouldn't mind. Though, I'm rather excited that you will be home. We've been busy this past few months, we hardly see each other." I replied back. Actually this past year we've been extremely busy, we hardly all have time to spend with each other expect on Sundays. But even then, sometimes we have to go on missions. 

"That is true."

"Itachi." I chuckled. "I'm fine, seriously." I reassured. Itachi looked up and sighed. 

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