Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:


"RAINNNNNNNN WAKEEEE UPPPPPP! HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY YOU WEIRDO!" Mao yelled in my ear. I finally snapped back into reality is turned towards her, as you can tell. I daydream a lot. I pushed her face away from mine, which resulted in her getting pushed in Tobi who was also all up in my face, and them falling to the ground. 

I then realized that everyone was in my room o.o I wonder what time it was. Anyways Sora was holding a cake that had 14 candles on in...and everyone was smiling at me creepily, expect those who weren't. 

I uncrossed my arms and followed everyone out of my room. We went into the kitchen where everyone sang happy birthday and we ate a a shit ton of food and sweets. 

"HEY RAINNNN! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE ONE YEAR CLOSER TO DEATH?!" Mao shouted, I just rolled my eyes and sat next to Itachi and Aki. Yuki was stuffing her face in her bowl, licking the rest of the icing. 

Itachi chuckled slightly as he grabbed the bowl and went to go grab some fruit for Yuki. She followed Itachi closely while attempting not to trip while holding onto his leg. Yuki sat on Itachi's foot and wrapped her arms and legs around his leg. Itachi tried to shake her off but she wouldn't let go. 

He sighed slightly as he made his way to the kitchen with Yuki attached to his leg. Aki was giggling slightly while everyone was laughing. I couldn't help but to smile at them. Yuki was extremely attached to Itachi, she adored him. It was quite adorable if you ask me. 

"Itachi! Can you get me some fruit too?!" Hidan asked. I heard Itachi mutter a no before Hidan started cursing. Mao went up and started yelling at him for cursing around Yuki. It was hilarious. 

Some of us were dying, rolling on the ground laughing like crazy. The others were just shaking their heads wondering how the hell did they get here. And yeah c: 

I honestly loved it whenever we spent time together like this. It feels like we're all one big family. 

"Hey Rain, how's your birthday going so far?" Konan asked as she sat on the couch next to Aki. I looked around at the crazy members of the Akatsuki, and the people I call family, I couldn't help but to grin. 

"It's going great. I love it." I said, Konan smiled at me before laughing. She looked around with a small smile on her face. Even though Konan and Leader-sama hardly hung out with us, I know that they think of the Akatsuki as one big family. 

"RAIN, ITACHI WON'T GET ME MY DUCKING FRUIT. WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SUCH A POOPYHEAD??" Hidan yelled. Mao crossed her arms with a satisfying smirk on her face. 

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow. Hidan just signed and jumped up. 

"I'll sacrifice you all to Jashin." Hidan muttered as he walked away, he made it around the corner. I smirked under my mask before running up behind him and throwing my arms around his waist. 

"Don't sacrifice us to Jashin." I mumbled into his back, he's also so freaking tall .-. 

"Get off of me you freak." Hidan said as he turned around. I looked up at him and gave him a closed eye smile, he just smiled back. Everyone has a soft spot for Rain Uchiha -inserts pervert emoji face-

"Come back to the party." I said while unwrapping my arms around him. He just shrugged as he walked towards his room. 

"I'm not feeling the party vibe right now. I'll join you all later when we go outside. But come here, I wanna give you your birthday present. Tailed beast child." Hidan said, I rolled my eyes before following him. 

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