Chapter 1- Here's To Never Growing Up

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[A/N] Here you go guys,....the first chapter! VOTE+COMMENT !!! - ASH 

Chapter 1- Here's To Never Growing Up

“We've decided that it would good for Niall to,......,” Their parents looked at each other with a small smirk.

“Yes,......?” Zayn pressed. Truthfully said, he never like surprises, he's rather be prepared.

“Go to public school,.......with you!”

“Wait, WHAT?!!” Zayn immediately burst at the 'important announcement', making Niall flinch but Zayn was too distracted to notice. “B-but he-he can't!!”

“Why not?” their mother asked innocently. Zayn could feel Niall stiffen beside him but he shrugged it off. Zayn thought he probably didn't like the fact that he was yelling.

“B-but!” Zayn began but was cut off by the head of the family.

“No more 'buts' Zayn Javvad. Your brother is going to school with you and that's final,” their said in a firm tone, making him flinch. Zayn stood up from his seat and stormed into his bedroom.

A thousand things went through Zayn's mind; They didn't know the real situation at school! They don't understand the sort of danger they putting Niall in! The kids at school will treat him differently, he just know it! Niall is extremely clever for his age, clumsy (in cute way), way too naïve, he has zero social skills, he's quite small, and he would totally be bullied easily. They'd eat him up alive! Plus,..... he really don't want Niall to be bullied, but surely no one would dare to touch him once they hears that he's a Malik. Plus,..... Niall can't find out how he really is at school! He cannot know that his big brother, a bully. Ughh,..this is bad! Zayn pulled at his hair, laying on his bed, staring at the white ceiling. Why didn't my parents asked me first? Does my opinion not count? Niall means a lot to me just as much they are to him! I know I can protect Niall, but what if something happens to him right under my nose? How could I forgive myself then? I may be a bully, but I'm not at the top of the food chain; there's Dave The Barbaric, Harriet The Hammer, Hunter Hell Hounds, Ben The Belly, Victor Vine and Liam The Payne Bearer. I can't protect Niall 24/7 from all these guys. Niall would be safer, and happier home-schooled. And that is all I want from him. To be happy and safe!

His inside rant was cut short by a soft knock on the door. Without waiting for Zayn to answer, Tricia smiled sweetly as he entered his eldest son's room.

Zayn groaned, taking off his shirt and taking the basket ball, pretending to be playing with it.

“Zayn Javvad,” Tricia began, “What is the matter with you?”

“Nothing Mom,” he replied absentmindedly, trying hard not be rude. He might appear as the school's bad boy, but he treats his family members with love and respect.

“Really? Nothing? Scoot over,” Tricia pushed his legs away and sat on the edge of the bed. “And a new tattoo Zayn Javvad?!”

Oh shit....Zayn thought mentally.

“Uhhh,” He began searching for excuses.

“Let's make a deal, you tell me why, truthfully, don't you want you're brother with school with you, or else, I'm cutting you're monthly allowance,”

“But Mom that's blackmailing-”

“No dear, it's called a trade, you're supposed to be punished,” Tricia gave a sly smile. Zayn groaned, rubbing both hands on his face.

“I just,....I'm,....I'm scared Mom,” he lets out a huge sigh, “I scared of what people might do to him! School isn't exactly a fun place, or a place for Niall! I'm scared if I won't be there when he needs me! Why can't he just stay home schooled Mom?”

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