MANY unexpected things will happen in this chapter guy! BE PREPARE!
Chapter 23- I Will Love You Unconditionally
“Mom?” Zayn answered the phone call, feeling slightly irritated.
“Zayn!” His mother panicked voice spoke.
“Mom? Is everything alright?” Zayn asked as he got off of Chris, sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling a tad worried.
“You need to get to the hospital. Now Zayn!”
“Mom?! Is everything alright?!” Zayn asked frantically, standing up from the bed, ready to sprint out of Chris' room “You're scaring me Mom,”
“It's...I-It's..” His mother stuttered as he impatiently waits for her mother to continue “It's-”
“Mom!” Zayn urged.
“Bazinga!” Her mother yelled, followed by fits of giggles.
“Huh? Wha-Wait, MOM! That is not cool!” Zayn groans, feeling extremely stupid to be prank-call by his own mother.
“Got you didn't I?” Her mother laughs softly. He knew that Zayn always put up a tough facade for the world to see, but inside, he's just a big softie.
“Yeah,” Zayn replied sarcastically “And almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Well you deserve it,” She replied, her tone stern.
“Ugh,” Zayn groaned “What did I do now? I didn't flirt with the gardener Mom! I swear! He was hot and all, but I SWEAR I didn't do anything to him,” Zayn explained, his mind drifting to their new part-time gardener, whose also a college student. He was half Latino, which made his skin the colour of caramel, and when he's outside mowing their lawn, Zayn couldn't help but to stare at his sweaty shirtless muscular body that made Zayn wants to dip apple into his caramel skin.
“No Zayn, it's not about you harassing our workers,” Tricia sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose thinking about his eldest son that seemed to be constantly horny. Well at least her baby-Nialler hasn't enter the dating world.
“Then what is it my oh-so-lovely Mother?” Zayn asked annoyingly.
“It's about your Biology teacher, sitting oh-so-comfortably in our oh-so-beautiful living room, having tea with us and reporting that out oh-so-handsome son had been skipping his class, and not to mention the said son failed his mid-term paper!” She replied with a sass that even Zayn didn't know existed in his mother.
He also couldn't help but to cringe at the mention of his Biology teacher, a.k.a his ex-boyfriend. What was he doing at his house? What does he have in plan? Why didn't he just report it to the principal? Instead, he went straight to Zayn's second weakness, his parents (of course Zayn's first weakness would be Niall).

Hi! I'm Niall Malik (Niam/Larry)
Fanfiction(1st Place in 1D Bromance Award Summer 2013) Niall Malik, the little brother of Zayn Malik is finally allowed to go to a normal public school, like his brother instead of being home schooled. For 15 years of trapped willingly in the house, Niall is...