Posted this on the day Best Song Ever was released! LOL
It was their funniest music video yet, and I believe that there is more to come ;)
Chapter 9- Two Is Better Than One
Niall's teeth was chattering like a vibrating phone.
He was wrapped in two big fluffy blanket courtesy of Josh as he sat on the couch, sipping a hot chocolate with marshmallows (his request) in it. His skin was sickly pale and luckily, his lips were no longer blue thanks to the hot sweet beverage. He cuddled the blanket closer as he sips the chocolate fluid, resolving a welcoming burn to his lips and throat. He couldn't believe that Liam threw him out of the house, but still, he couldn't be mad at his Tattooed Angel, even if he wanted to. Maybe it's something that he did? Is he overstepping his boundaries by going to his house and babysitting his gleeful brother? Most probably. He had prove now that his Tattooed Angel has his own Angel side; the way he holds his little brother proves it. It was exactly the way Zayn would hold him. He sighed in content as Josh entered the living room of his house, with a first aid kit in his hand. Josh's house was bigger then Liam's, but a tad silent and there were less pictures hanging on the wall and everything in the house seemed to contradict each other.
“Give me your elbow Niall,” Josh said softly. Niall obediently pulled out his right hand which had a quite nasty wound on the elbow. He had washed it of when he showered but it was still bleeding.
“Mind telling me what the hell are you doing outside in the middle of a storm with nothing but a t-shirt on?” Josh asked as he dabbed the cotton ball in antiseptics. Once the moist cotton made contact with Niall's wound, he flinched and gave out a small yelp. “Sorry,”
“I-It's okay. Thank you Josh,” Niall smiled at his friend fondly. He was extremely immensely grateful that Josh found him; he couldn't possibly think what would've happen if he didn't but he would rather not tell Josh
“No problem Nialler. Back to my question Niall; what were you doing?” Josh asked, his voice was much more stern and authoritative.
“I was,...I was,” Niall pondered; should he lie? Or should he tell him the truth? Come to think of it, Josh did help him, so he owes him that much. “I was at Liam's house,”
“You what?!” Josh bellowed causing him to dab on Niall's wound a tad bit harsh. Niall hissed as he retreated his elbow. “Shit! M'sorry Niall. But,..but what in the hell are you doing at Liam Payne's house? And did he kick you out or something?”
Sensing anger and desperation in Josh's voice, Niall immediately spilled the beans, like all of it; from Mrs. Rowling's question to why he was sitting on the sidewalk in the rain when Josh found him. But he kept a few information hidden like why did he agreed to Mrs. Rowling request and he managed to use “Liam” instead of “Tattooed Angel”. Unbeknownst to him, Josh sees right through his lies, which flicked a sudden anger in him. Niall likes Liam, and he didn't like the idea one bit. He didn't know whether he should yell at the boy in front of him or just shut his mouth. He decided that he should just choose the latter; he really didn't want to make Niall sad. Because, there is a possibility that Josh might or might not have feelings towards the blonde lad, but he never liked a guy before. This new feeling that Niall triggered makes him question everything, and only person that can answer all this lingering question is Niall himself. He finished dressing Niall's wound as Niall drinks his hot coco.

Hi! I'm Niall Malik (Niam/Larry)
Fanfiction(1st Place in 1D Bromance Award Summer 2013) Niall Malik, the little brother of Zayn Malik is finally allowed to go to a normal public school, like his brother instead of being home schooled. For 15 years of trapped willingly in the house, Niall is...