The song on the side....Human, is a very perfect song. Check it out if you want!
Chapter 32- I'm Only Human
"I-I didn't mean to Zaynie," Niall replied softly, tears forming in his eyes again.
"So that's why you're so eager to learn about sex? Can't wait to be Liam's slut huh?" Zayn continued his assaults. His eyes widened once the word left his lips, but he was too mad to take it back or to look at Niall. That comment stabbed Niall's heart painfully; his Zaynie just called him a slut. Was he though? He just wanted to learn because he was curious, and he wasn't even planning to have sex with Liam anytime soon! Tears rolled down Niall's flushed cheeks freely, and he didn't even bother to wipe them. his right hand clutched the front of his shirt, right above where his heart is, trying to swallow the emotional pain. Why was Zaynie saying all these mean things to him? Is this what he deserved for lying? Was this really his fault?
"Z-Zaynie," Niall cried softly, but Zayn cuts him off harshly. He couldn't accept the fact that his brother is dating Liam Payne and the fact that Niall lied to him big time, he felt betrayed.
"Either you pick me," Zayn finally looks up, staring at the sight of his crying brother. It hurts him to see Niall cry, but it hurts him more that Niall lied to him
"or be with Liam. If you choose Liam, then I'm no longer you brother,"
"Who initiate the first kiss??" Tricia shot him the first question once Niall was out of the room."Do you take him out on dates a lot?" Yaser asked even before Liam could answer Tricia.
"Is Niall a good kisser?" Tricia inquired, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Would you stop asking him about kisses?" Yaser scolded his wife lightly.
"My husband was a very bad kisser when were young," Tricia informed Liam, not even bothering to look at his husband "Washing machine syndrome and such,"
"Tricia...would you stop that. Now, what other thing have done with Niall other than kissing?" Yaser blushed but his facial expression remain stoic despite the embarrassing information his wife just gave out.
"Yaser! You shoudln't be asking stuff like that!" Tricia gasped, but in her mind, she was thinking the same thing.
"Niall's my son,...and he's dating my son! I can ask him about this stuff,"
Liam tried hard not to blush and laugh at the two parent. How he wish and long for his parent to be like this; Joel would be the happiest little guy on earth. He could visibly see the heartache in his mother eyes each time she looks at her wedding ring. She stopped wearing them about two years ago but Liam caught he staring at it in her bedroom; she still hasn't moved on.
"I was the one that kissed him," Liam spoke up for the first time, the fond memory of their first kiss flooding his brain "In the school gym,...Niall wanted me to teach him how to punch,"
"Aww that's so romantic!"
"Romantic? I kissed you beside the beach! Sunset and all,"
"Honey you burned my dress," She tutted, unamused "So,...other than kiss,...what else?"

Hi! I'm Niall Malik (Niam/Larry)
Fanfiction(1st Place in 1D Bromance Award Summer 2013) Niall Malik, the little brother of Zayn Malik is finally allowed to go to a normal public school, like his brother instead of being home schooled. For 15 years of trapped willingly in the house, Niall is...