I didn't wait five months to update,...am I awesome? Hehe
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Chapter 36- Somebody To You
An idea struck Liam's head. The apartment! Liam could relate slightly what Josh feels, having an arsehole of a father. And if he was Josh, he would always go to the place where he knows he could feel close to his father. Liam always wanders why he was so attached to his father's room, but he always find himself sitting on his father's bed, hoping that everything would be different. Hoping that he has a father that loves them, loves his brother, and a father that loves him. It's a long shot, but he was sure that Josh might be at that apartment.
Liam quickly slipped out the bed, mindful of his little sleeping brother. He kissed Joel's forehead and quickly left the room. As he walks out of the room, he prayed and prayed that his lucky guess is right because his hands are twitching to beat the hell out of Josh. When he was out of the hospital entrance, he saw Zayn, sitting on the steps with and empty look on his face. He was staring blankly ahead, emotions void from his face, his body still as a statute.
"Zayn," Liam called out softly. Zayn turned to his side, and when he saw that it was Liam, he turned back to his original position. Liam rolled his eyes at him, expecting Zayn to tackle him to the ground or something. He walked up to Zayn and gripped his arm, pulling him up quickly. Without saying anything, he pulled Zayn towards the parking lot.
"What the hell are you doing Payne?" Zayn asked, but he didn't sound mad, he sounded tired. Really tired.
"We're going to find your brother," He answers, turning around to look at Zayn.
It's quite odd for a teenage boy to keep a corpse of their own father.
Well, very odd.
But Josh is a possessive person. Too possessive.
When his father left their family, he took a piece of Josh's heart. Josh adored his father; he was his No.1 hero, his idol but he left Josh without looking back. He didn't even visit him,..so Josh was the one that had to visit his old man. When he got to the apartment, he was more than shock to find that his father had replace his mother with another woman. Another woman that tried to replace his mother's place. Josh tried to act that he was not bothered by it by he was.
He was deeply bothered by it.
So one night, after dinner with his father and his 'new-mommy', Josh made sure that they drank more wine than should have and when both had passed out, Josh went to the kitchen and turned on the stove's gas and happily left the apartment. He expected the apartment to catch fire but to his surprise, when he went to apartment the next morning, it wasn't but Mr. Devine and Mrs. New-Devine were found laying on the floor, poisoned to death. An idea struck Josh's head, as an image of his father convinced that they can be together. He disposed of the other woman's body- by dispose, he wrapped her in plastic, and placed her in they ceiling of the apartment. He put his dead father on a wheel chair that he bought and resumed his life as if his father had a stroke and now he's on a wheel chair.
Everyday, after school, he would stop by the apartment, and feed his father soup. He would then sit down on the sofa and talk to his father. At first, his father never responded but as time goes by he started to hear his father responding to him, answering his questions and giving him advice. He told his father about Niall the day he saw him on the bus. He told his father that he was gay, and he had believed his father has approved him and told him that he shouldn't be afraid to be himself.

Hi! I'm Niall Malik (Niam/Larry)
Fanfiction(1st Place in 1D Bromance Award Summer 2013) Niall Malik, the little brother of Zayn Malik is finally allowed to go to a normal public school, like his brother instead of being home schooled. For 15 years of trapped willingly in the house, Niall is...