Chapter 12- One Door Opens, Another One Closes

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Chapter 12- One Door Opens, Another One Closes

Liam Payne stood shirtless in front of the tall mirror.

Different colors and patterned tattoo sprawled across his muscular body, pictures of weapons, dragons, skulls, steam-punk, cursive quotes, nearly covering all of his skin, except for his some part of his abdomen, chest and his right hand. There were only a few tattoos there, because he considered his right hand to be his good hand. The hand that Joel usually go to first; when they walk together, Joel usually ask for his right hand, when they sleep he would wrap Joel in his right arm while Joel play with his fingers, occasionally slotting his smaller fingers with Liam's bigger ones, when they're watching Joel's favorite movie, Joel would ask for Liam's right hand to hug, or use it as a pillow if he feels sleepy. Basically, his right hand belongs to his little brother. He had just put some ointment on his yet another new bruise and few cuts on his body, nothing excitingly new.

It has been a week since the 'kiss-on-the-cheek' incident with Niall in the ice-cream parlour, and Liam's mind is in a turbulence. He could practically feel himself blushing at the memory, his lips would tingle and his mind immediately drifted to Niall Malik. He hate and love it at the same time that Niall is always clouding his thought. It didn't help when Joel would talk about how great 'Neil' and it really didn't help when Niall came over to his house to babysit Joel. When the house was filled with Joel's and Niall's euphoric laughs, Liam had to bail. And to make things worst, Louis is missing. He didn't show up when Liam set up a play-date with Joel after the 'kiss-on-the-cheek' incident. To say that he is worry about his red-headed friend is an understatement. Louis had a tendency of getting into trouble, sometimes with the wrong people.

“Li-Li!” Joel screamed as he grab onto Liam's right arm, with a cheeky smile on his lips.

“Batman!” Liam looked at his brother in panic. Didn't he locked the door? “How did you get in?”

“I hide under the bed,” Joel replied giggling madly. Soo, Joel's big brown eyes traveled to his brother's endless tattoos, admiring every single thing. Once, he asked Liam to draw some tattoos on him, so Liam picked up a few Sharpies and draw a few, badly drawn, cartoon on Joel's small arm. They had a hard time washing it off when Liam's mother threw a fit over it. Quickly, hoping that Joel wouldn't see the new bruises on his body, he slipped on a plain loose white shirt. He turned back to Joel and saw that the boy was still standing there, with a cheeky grin. Joel was already in his stars and rocket pj's, and now Liam realized that Joel is holding on his favorite bedtime story-book.

“Why Li-li come home late?” Joel asked, scrunching up his nose. “I waited long time under the bed. It's smelly,”

“Sorry bub, I've a lot of work. Have you done your home work?” Liam asked as he picked up the small boy.

“Yes! Neil helped,” Joel answered enthusiastically, and Liam had to try not to flinch at the thought of the pale boy.

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