Picture of Mr. Stroma/ Freddie Stroma (the Biology teacher) on the side dressed and SHIRTLESS
Lets enjoy some Ziall and Zreddie (Zayn+Freddie) moments huh? :D
Chapter 4- Hold On For Dear Love
Niall bit his lips, fighting back his tears.
Zayn had spent a good 15-minutes screaming at his face. And Niall hated it. It was suppose to be a fun day and Zayn should be happy for him. So what if he got a little bruise? It wasn't big of a deal. But to Niall, he couldn't help but to feel that it was all his fault. It was all his fault Zayn's been lashing out on everybody. More than anything, Niall only wants to see the beautiful smile plastered on his brother's face each time Niall did something right or something that Zayn is proud of like; helping Zayn paint his art homework, help Zayn with his Calculus, help Zayn clean his room, and anything else as long Zayn would smile at him. Not to scream at his face.
He moved on to chewing his blanket to stop himself from crying, but after an hour holding everything inside, Niall jumped out of his bed and ran out of his room, searching for none other than his beloved brother. The first place he searched was Zayn's bedroom, which was empty and not to mention it was in an absolute mess. He knew that Zayn was trying to get rid of his anger, which means he is now probably in the house gym. Niall sprinted towards their personal house gym built specially for Zayn about three years ago. At first, he didn't want Niall to be in there in case he hurt himself but after Niall practically begged, Zayn gave in. Niall came to a halt when he reached the door of he gym. He could faintly hear Zayn's fist abusing the punching bad, making Niall shiver slightly. He opened the door slowly and slide his small body in. Zayn was shirtless and sweating with his back facing Niall. His shoulder muscle flexes under the tan skin as he sends multiple punches to the punching bag.
“Zaynie,.....?” Niall called out softly. Zayn stopped for a few seconds, but decides to ignore his little brother and continues sending punches to the bag of sands, harder.
“Z-Zaynie? P-Please talk to me?” Niall's voice broke at the end. He couldn't handle this. He hated when Zayn ignores him; it means that Zayn is mad and disappointed. Tears immediately streamed down his pale cheeks. Little did he know, Zayn was crying too. He was mad and he was confused. Now that Niall is behind him crying, Zayn wanted nothing more than to wrap his arm around his baby brother till he smiles again, but he couldn't. His hands are now sore from punching too hard and tears were cascading down his cheeks but he makes no effort to wipe them. He just lets them join with his sweats.
“Z-Zaynie,...t-talk to me,..please?” Niall cried.
Punch, punch, punch...
“Zayn-nie? Please d-don't,” Niall kept crying and pleading. But still, his beloved brother ignored him. Niall had enough, he couldn't take this torture anymore. He charged towards his brother and crashed their bodies together. Ignoring the smell and the wetness of sweats, he wrapped his arms around Zayn's hard torso, and buries his face behind his back. And cried his heart out.
This action caught Zayn by surprise. His breath was knocked out slightly when Niall's body collided with his. Niall was practically bawling his eyes out behind him. Zayn was absolutely heartbroken; he always promised himself to not ever make Niall cry, and yet, Niall is bawling his eyes out, because of him. He gently lowered his hands, and turned around and wraps his arms around Niall's shaking body, letting him bury his face into the crook of Zayn's neck. Niall was muttering incoherent words but Zayn just shush him, not knowing what to say.

Hi! I'm Niall Malik (Niam/Larry)
Fanfiction(1st Place in 1D Bromance Award Summer 2013) Niall Malik, the little brother of Zayn Malik is finally allowed to go to a normal public school, like his brother instead of being home schooled. For 15 years of trapped willingly in the house, Niall is...