Lets enjoy some LARRY moment now huh? :D
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Chapter 3- Treacherous
Zayn Javvad Malik was fuming.
If smoke would come out of a persons' ear when they're mad, then Zayn would've caused the whole school to choke on it. He was pacing around the school's sick bay, in front of his passed out little brother, with tears pricking his eyes but not falling off. He wanted more than anything to hold his brother, but the guilt was eating him alive. He couldn't kept Niall safe, he wasn't there when Niall needed him the most, he wasn't there to protect Niall, he didn't make Niall's first day of school a perfect one. On top of that, he was blaming everyone around him; his parents for suggesting this stupid idea in the first place, Harry for convincing him that Niall would be okay, Mr. Stroma for keeping him “preoccupied” at lunch break and the person who did this to Niall. Words couldn't even describe what he'll do to the person that had caused this.
Harry, on the other hand, was feeling guilty so sharp and cold that it make his spine stiffen and ache; Niall was like a brother to him too. Maybe he underestimated the situation, maybe high school isn't something for Niall to attend. He thought that Niall would be okay; I mean who would've thought a person who is cruel enough to hit a sweet person like Niall, or maybe he neglected Niall because his thought was clouded with a certain boy. He mentally cursed himself for letting this happen and he couldn't even look at Zayn in the eye right now. He knew that anything he said would end with him laying on the floor with pain. He isn't scared of Zayn, not it was far from that. If anything else, he respected him and always look up to Zayn. When they were little, Zayn is always the one looking out for Harry and he was extremely grateful. He knew how much Niall means to Zayn and he, somehow, felt like he has contributed to this unfortunate accident. He wanted to apologize but he knew that it'll make things worse. His troubled thoughts was disturbed when two very familiar and worried figure enter the room, Mr. and Mrs. Malik.
“Oh Niall,” Mrs. Malik ran her thin fingers on Niall's soft cheek “Come on baby, wake up now. We're gonna take you home,”
“Mom,” Zayn groaned, opening his mouth for the first time since he heard the accident “Why are you waking him up? Let him sleep,”
“But we have to take him home. He'll get a-”
“I'll carry him to the car,” Zayn cuts her off mid-sentence. He moved over to the side bed and gently remove the blanket that's covering Niall's small body. He placed his hands under him and gently pries him off the bed, carrying him out of the sick bay bridal style.
And Harry was left all alone in the sick bay, like he never existed there in the first place.
He ruffled his messy curly brown hair and swept it to the side. He walks out of the sick bay and head straight to Zayn's car, not bothering to go to his last two classes. He was lucky that Zayn lets him holds the key to his car. It's a routine for both of them, Zayn would drive to school and Harry would drive from school. He walked towards the car sluggishly, thinking how he screwed up Niall's first day of school. He was about to unlock the car when he felt two strong muscled and tanned arm wrapped around his waist. He let out a surprise yelp and the car keys fell on the ground. The sound of an all-too-familiar chuckle filled the air.

Hi! I'm Niall Malik (Niam/Larry)
Fanfiction(1st Place in 1D Bromance Award Summer 2013) Niall Malik, the little brother of Zayn Malik is finally allowed to go to a normal public school, like his brother instead of being home schooled. For 15 years of trapped willingly in the house, Niall is...