1.) Only a Nightmare

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~Creston's POV~

Branches slap me in the face as I run through the night consumed forest. Everything is dark and I can barely see five feet in front of me due to the heavy fog that has accumulated. My feet pound against the forest ground and my breathing is heavy. I have a major cramp in my side, but I don't care... I just keep running.
I hear them getting closer.

I pick up the pace. I run faster than I ever thought I possibly could. I get scratches on my face and arms as I try to push thorny bushes and branches out of my way.

There is a large root on the forest ground. I try to avoid it but my body doesn't react in time. I trip and am sent onto the ground with a heavy thud. The breath gets knocked out of me and my eyesight starts to become fuzzy. I look up to see the figures of the things that I am running from approach me with their weird staggering walk. There is a beeping in my ears and it continues to grow louder and louder as the things come closer and closer. I try to scream but nothing will come out.

The things have surrounded me as I hopelessly lay there. The beeping grows louder and my vision starts to fuzz. The only thing I can see it the outline of one of the thing's face as it hovers above mine. It's rotting mouth open about to clamp down onto me.

Beep Beep Beep Beep

I jolt awake and slam the off button to my alarm clock. I am covered in a cold sweat and am breathing hard. I hear the T.V. downstairs and slowly start to realize that it was just a nightmare. My heart rate slowly starts to go back to normal and I just sit in my bed waiting for myself to calm down.

I get out of bed and turn on my bedroom light. I take a quick shower and change out of my pajamas into a plain white t-shirt with black skinny jeans, a white Aeropostale hoodie and a pair of black Converse. I style my brown hair over to the right side. I grab my iPhone and head downstairs where my mom has already made my breakfast. And by "made" my breakfast, I mean she poured the milk and cereal into the bowl for me.

She is upstairs in her bedroom getting ready for work. So, I just play on my phone and eat breakfast until I have to go and catch the bus. Yes, I am 17 and still ride the bus. Mainly because we can't really afford a second car. And, I'm okay with that for the most part.

I head towards the front door and grab my backpack. I yell from the door to upstairs "Mom! I'm leaving!"

"OK! I'll see you later!" She yelled back.

With that, I grab my headphones off of the table and headed out the door.

The morning air is brisk as I pull the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands a little bit. I can see the bus entering our neighborhood and I pick up the pace a little bit, beating the bus to the stop by just a few seconds. I get onto the bus and sit in my normal seat in the very back. I put my headphones in and listened to my music as I watch the world that would change so drastically over the next month zoom by in blurs of lights and darkness.

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