13.) Caught

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~Creston's POV~

"So, what do you want to do today?" Sarah asked as she shoved a large spoonful of Lucky Charms into her mouth, crunching them loudly.

"I don't know," I reply dully "There's really not much TO do. I mean, except walk outside or use your neighbor's trampoline." Actually, the trampoline did sound fun.

"Ohhhh! We could go cloud watching!" Casey yelled as she practically jumped out of her chair. We all turn to look at her and give her the look of disappointment before turning back to our breakfast and continuing to eat. "It was just a suggestion." She said throwing her hands up in defeat and sitting back down to her spot at the counter.

"Gosh, there's nothing to do here." Lauren pouted as she collected her dishes and walked over to place them in the sink.

I get up and do the same.

She's right, though. They've had this place on full lockdown for about a week now. No one, except for the soldiers, can come in or get out of this place. It's almost like a prison camp. Food has to be rationed by the number of people living in each household. The solar panels that they have only have enough power to keep up the important things, such as the refrigerators and freezers. Besides those things, we're only supposed to use other electricity consuming things during our scheduled time. So, the street that we're on gets the time of eight thirty to nine in the morning and nine to ten at night. Other streets have different times that they have to abide by.

The only part of the neighborhood that isn't regulated by time is the office park; where the soldiers have been stationed. They can leave their lights whenever they want and for as long as they want. It's kind of unfair if you ask me. I mean, sure I can understand the medical clinics and the places where they store the food. But, why do they need to keep the office building lit. They're being used as just that, office buildings. They hold meetings and discuss plans; at least, that's what I've heard. But, why can't they just use candles like the rest of us. Especially the housing for the soldiers. I get that they're protecting us and everything, but why do they get twenty-four hours of electricity while everyone else gets one and a half?

"Creston are you coming?" I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sound of the front door being opened and me being ushered outside.

"Where are we going?" I ask. How long was I spaced out for?

"To find something to do. We were thinking of going to hole six on the course." Sarah answered as she headed out the door with Cassie and Lauren in tow.

I scurried after them and shut the door behind me as the warm tingling spring air greeted me. The sound of birds chirping and the warm sun radiating off of my skin makes me forget about all of the things that have happened in the past week. It's hard to believe that the world could be going through all of this chaos when the warming sounds of nature could be so calming.

After five or so minutes of walking and idle chit-chat, we finally made it to hole six. There's nothing special about this particular part of the golf course, expect for the rolling green hills, that are now slightly overgrown, but they don't look terrible. Me, Sarah and Cassie would use to come here all of the time and just lie in the perfectly manicured grass and talk for hours on end about anything that would pop into our heads.

Cassie laid out a large blue blanket and we all laid on our backs and stared up at the deep blue sky with cotton-like clouds sailing by like they don't have a care in the world.

"You were right Cassie" I sigh contently as I feel the sun's warm rays hit my face "This is really relaxing."

Cassie leaned up onto her elbows and looked at me with raised eyebrows "Did you just say that I was right?" Her sarcastic shock evident in her voice.

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