19.) Lost and Found

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~Creston's POV~

When I woke up, the sun was barely half way above the horizon; casting a long shadow on all of the trees and street lights.

I sat up in the seat and stretched, as well as I could in a car. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the rising sun and I looked to the left of me to see a sleep deprived Jacob smiling tiredly at me.

"Morning." He said in a strained voice. HE didn't take his eyes off of me and continued to stare at me as I slowly started to wake up and remember the events of the previous night.

"Morning," I replied back, giving him a genuine smile. "Did you sleep?" I asked concerned with the dark bags under his eyes, which he was struggling to keep open.

He smirks and lets out a huff of air, which I'm assuming is as close as he can come to a laugh right now, and responds "Someone had to be on lookout."

I laugh softly at his obvious response. "How long was I out?" I ask.

After driving a safe distance away from Greenwood last night, Jacob decided that we could all use some rest; so he pulled over to the side of one of the less busy roads and we all crashed here for the night. I didn't sleep very well, knowing that Emma was dead and all. Hell, we could be the only survivors left in the city. Jacob doesn't know of any more bases that are anywhere close to where we are, and if there is one, we won't know if it's safe until we get there. But, as for right now, we're clueless as to what or next move is.

"Not long." He replied "Maybe three or four hours at most. No one slept well last night." He probably knew that cause he stayed up all night. He looked exhausted and it worried me that he wouldn't be able to function at his peak performance.

I looked into the bed of the truck. Sarah and Cassie were awake and chatting silently, but everyone else was asleep.

"How's Katie?" I ask, suddenly becoming sympathetic. Emma was her closest friend and I don't know how she's going to deal with her loss.

"She just fell asleep about an hour ago." He informed "I had to console her for most of the night cause she was crying uncontrollably." He shifted his gaze from me and looked in all directions, probably looking for any signs of danger, and then quickly returned his focus back on me.

He smirked slyly "You look cute with bed head." He teased and reached over to ruffle my, already messy, hair.

I let out a small growl and slap his hand away. However, this only encourages him to laugh at me.

I pout and pull down the sun visor and look into the small mirror. He was right; my hair is sticking up at all different angles and it looks like Albert Einstein is my hairdresser.

I let out a sigh of frustration and quickly go to work on my hair. Luckily for me, my hair decides to cooperate and do what I want it to do. I swoosh it up and to the side, turning my head to both sides to make sure that it is even.

The world may be ending, but I'm not about to look like trash while it's happening.

Somewhat satisfied with how it looks, given the circumstances of there not being anything to actually do my hair with except my fingers, I turn to Jacob and jokingly start to model my hair off for him; making sure that spectator likes what he sees.

"Looks sexy." He said jokingly, I think, adding a flirtatious wink; which caused me to blush slightly.

I quickly turned back towards the mirror, pretending to check myself over one last time, even though I'm really only trying to hide my blush from him. I really don't want to ruin our friendship because he thinks that I have a crush on him.

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