23.) Tensions Rise

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~Creston's POV~

We drove less than a mile before we reached Jacob's supposed safe house, where there apparently was a stockpile of food, weapons and other survival supplies that we were going to desperately need if we want to survive this apocalyptic world that we now live in.

I actually recognized the house that the army took over to make it a safe house.

It was a small little white house with a slightly overgrown front lawn and a cliché picket white fence around the perimeter of it. I knew the house because Joe and I would always drive past it and laugh about how American and banal it was.

Nonetheless it was the last place that you would expect the military to stockpile a bunch of apocalyptic supplies because the world was being overrun by man-eating humans.

I guess it would make sense, since it was one of the few houses in the neighborhood that actually had a fence around it. It means that, unless it was to be compromised in some way, there is no way that the Infected are able to get into it and attack us, or anybody else, while we're vulnerable and trying to gather supplies inside.

There were about four or five Infected within eye sight and they noticed our little brigade of cars coming down the street. Jacob didn't look too worried about them, so I wasn't that worried either since he seemed to be the one that knew what he was doing.

We pulled up into the short driveway and Joe did so right behind us. Sarah and Stephani pulled up onto the curb in front of the house and stayed in their cars, on account of a few Infected stumbling their way over towards us.

Jacob turned the ignition off and hopped out of the truck. I follow in pursuit, quickly hopping out of my seat and meeting up with him as my brother gets out of his car. Camila gets out as well and walks over beside him.

Jacob extracts two army knives from one of his pockets and hands one to Camila and the other one to Joe. They look down at the knives in their hands and look back at Jacob with a confused expression on their faces. "I taught Creston how to kill and now it's your guys' turn." He explained and walked over towards the closest Infected that was making it way over towards us.

He got within arm's reach of it and it started to reach out towards him, but he easily avoided its grasp and grabbed both of its arms and held them behind its back.

It tried to turn and gnash its teeth at him, but he kept pushing it forward so that it was eventually directly in front of Joe and Camila.

They both looked horrified as it gnashed its teeth at them and tried to break out of Jacob's tight grip so that it could sink its teeth into them.

"It'd be nice if one of you killed it so that we can deal with the other four that are making their way over towards us." Jacob gestured impatiently; looking like holding the Infected in his grasp was starting to become more and more of a hassle while Camila and Joe stood there procrastinating whether or not they should stab it.

I was about to take my own knife out of my pocket and stab it, but Camila moved and swiftly logged the blade into the skull of the Infected, causing it to go limp and fall lifeless into Jacob's arms.

She retracted the knife and Jacob let the body fall to the pavement with a heavy thump.

Joe looked at her wide eyed and awe struck. He probably couldn't believe that she actually would have been the first one, besides me of course, to actually kill an Infected. Also, maybe he felt a little butt hurt because he just got shown up by his girlfriend.

Jacob took the knife from her and gave her a satisfactory grin, "Pretty good for your first kill." He congratulated; then turned to Joe and gave him a disapproving look "Your turn buddy."

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