22.) First Kill

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~Creston's POV~

I woke up with the sun peeking through the blinds onto the bed. I was snuggled up against a warm body as a source of heat. It was probably still Joe.

Weird. Usually I move around a lot during the night.

It didn't really matter cause I was pretty comfortable and quite honestly too lazy to move.

The back side of me wasn't as warm, so I'm guessing that Camila got up to go to the bathroom or change or something.

I shifted slightly and put my hand on Joe's chest and snuggled into his side.

Something felt weird, though.

Maybe it's because we haven't slept like this since we were kids and I wasn't used to Joe's improved physique, but something felt off about his chest.

They felt bigger and more firm and bouncy. They had a weird texture to them that I couldn't quite point out.

I kept grabbing them lightly, so that I wouldn't wake him up but was soon interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"You know, with the way you're playing with my boobs I'm starting to question whether or not you're actually gay." Camila laughed.

My eyes widened and I shot up and over to the opposite side of the bed so fast that I probably just broke the sound barrier. I felt my face get embarrassingly red and I avoided eye contact with her, looking at everything in the room besides her.

Camila found my complete mortification hilarious, as she was literally crying because she was laughing so hard.

"Oh my God!" She laughed "You should have seen the look on your face!" She managed to choke in between bursts of laughter and trying to catch her breath.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and embarrassment and quickly got out of bed, still wearing my clothes from yesterday. "Don't tell anyone about this or I swear..." I threaten. But she doesn't care and just continues to laugh.

Just as I was about to leave, Joe walked into the room with a puzzled and amused look on his face. "What's going on in here?" He asked, noting that Camila had tear streaks down her face from all of the laughing.

"Your girlfriend is a freakin psycho," I reply as I shove past him and make my way downstairs, hoping that there will be something to eat.

I haven't eaten since mid-day yesterday and I'm starving.

I reached the kitchen, where Anthony was digging through all of the cupboards trying to find something to eat for breakfast.

He turned around and saw me standing there giving him a judgy look "Well, don't just stand there help me find something to eat. I'm starving dude." He commanded and continued to look through the cupboards.

I started looking through the bottom cabinets since I figured that Anthony had already looked through all of the top ones.

However, I couldn't find anything except for pans and cleaning chemicals.

"Jackpot!" I turned to see Anthony holding a box of Pop-Tarts up in the air with a triumphant grin on his face.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness and walked over to the kitchen table, where Anthony had already opened the box and was starting to unwrap and package for himself.

I grabbed the box of frosted strawberry Pop-Tarts and took out a package and started to open one for myself.

I can't remember the last time I had one of these. My mom was a health freak so we rarely ever had processed food at our house. The only time I ever got to eat out was when I was with Joe or one of my other friends.

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