15.) The Note

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~Joe's POV~

After a three day journey, that used to take five hours before the world went to hell, we finally arrived in our town. Normally there would be quite a bit of traffic flowing in and out of the city, but probably due to the fact that the whole city was on lockdown, the streets were abandoned.

It was an eerie feeling, having to maneuver around abandoned cars and buses. Some of which had corpses still inside of them. It was a gruesome sight and I tried to go around those cars faster so that Camila wouldn't have time to process what exactly it was and become freaked out over it.

I mean, she's a tough girl that I sure as hell wouldn't want to mess with, but she's my girlfriend and I feel obligated to protect her from seeing those horrid things.

However, I wasn't naive and I know that she can look out of a window and spot a rotting corpse; it's not a hard thing to do. The same goes for Anthony and Kiyana; I know that they aren't dumb enough to not understand the magnitude of destruction that we're dealing with here.

I just hope that things don't get much worse, like the corpses coming back to life or something stupid like that.

I snickered a little at the thought of that... dead people coming back to life.


"What's got you giggling like a sixteen-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber concert while we drivin' past all these dead bodies?" Anthony remarks sarcastically giving me a sideways look.

"Nothing," I reply back, trying to keep a straight look on my face as I continue to drive towards my house.

"Sure." He mutters under his breath as he turns his attention to the road up ahead.

As I make my way around a sharp corner, I am relieved to see that the front of my neighborhood doesn't seem to have undergone any severe damage. The houses in the front seem to be all relatively intact.

I pull into my neighborhood and continue to drive down the main road. There are a few houses that have broken-in windows and doors. Also, it looks like the Patterson's house burnt down.

I really hope that they're okay.

I reach an intersection and take a right down the street that my house is on.

As I look around at all of the houses, they all seem to be abandoned. There are many cars in the driveways and people's windows and blinds are wide open. But, there is absolutely no movement in any of the houses. There weren't even any signs of pets around.

I finally reach my house, and as I pull into the driveway, I get a sinking feeling in my gut.

The windows upstairs, leading into my brother's room, are still open and the garage door is slightly up.

I drop down to peak into the garage, and sure enough, the car is gone.

But now that I think back to our conversation that we had on the phone a couple days ago, he did say that mom was working at the hospital and hadn't been home in almost two days.

Maybe he was still here and mom was still at work. With all of these sick people, I wouldn't doubt she still was. As for Creston, maybe mom picked him up to take to take to work with her; but knowing their relationship, I highly doubted that.

Maybe he's still in his bedroom eating or sleeping or something. Either way, I'm gonna find him; and I'll walk through hell to do it.

He's gone through so much that no one, especially my baby brother, should ever have to go through; and I've been by his side every step of the way.

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