14.) Leaving

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~Creston's POV~

To say that the mood was solemn would be an understatement. It seemed as though everyone was crying.

Cassie was a sobbing mess. She clung to her mother, tears streaming down her face. Her mother and father were embracing her in a tight hug, whispering soothing things into her ear; telling her that everything was going to be all right and that they'd all see each other again really soon.

Laura was visibly upset and it looked as though he was barely able to hold herself together. However, she wasn't the sobbing mess that Cassie was. She was hugging her parents and they were all reassuring each other that this would all be over soon and they could go back to living their normal lives.

Sarah was upset, but she's not one to cry in front of other people. The only way you could tell that she was sad, was the look in her eyes. What is normally an energetic and happy glisten in her eyes was now a dull sadness.

I, on the other hand, stood next to the front door awkwardly by myself. Everyone that I cared about, which only consisted of Joe, was gone. For all I know, he could be dead in a ditch somewhere; or he could have become infected with that disease, or he could be in class right now learning about Shakespeare or something. For all I know, everything could be fine where he is and he just thinks I'm being an asshole for not calling him.

Either way, I have no reason to cry, or even be upset about leaving this place. No one that I love is here, so this place is practically meaningless.

I guess I'm happy that my friends are coming along with me. I feel bad for them having to leave their families behind and what not, but, at least, I won't be completely alone in a new environment.

Besides, having a camp full of kids and no adults... awesome!

It was then that a loud banging at the front door pulled me out of my doom and gloom thoughts.

I abandoned my luggage on the stairs and walked over to the door to let whoever it was at the door in. Since apparently everyone else was too caught up in saying goodbye to one another to notice.

I opened up the green wooden door and was surprised to see Jacob standing on the other side of the secondary glass door.

I open the second door and hold it open for him as he enters the house.

"Jacob... what are you doing here." I was still rather surprised to see him. Maybe he came to say goodbye or something.

"I'm going with you," He replied casually as if he expected it to not be such a big deal.

"What do you mean 'going with me?'" I question, giving him a quizzical look. "I thought you were staying here?"

He cracked a half smile at my seemingly stupid question. "Well, when they informed us last night about all of the plans, they asked for volunteers to escort and stay with all of the kids."

"So you did this for me?" I ask skeptically, knowing that there has to be another reason for him leaving than just to be with me. I barely even know him.

As I expected, there was another reason that he was leaving. "Also, I got promoted," He added with a sly smirk.

I just rolled my eyes and can't help but crack a small smile as I walk over to the stairs and grab my stuff. "So are we leaving now or what?" I throw my book bag over my shoulder, lift up the handle to my suitcase and cross my arms; cocking my hip out to the side and gave Jacob a challenging look.

He just chuckles at my sass and he walks over towards me and grabs my suitcase from beside me. He walks over to the door, with my suitcase in tow, and opens the door. "After you your highness." He does a half bow and motions for me to walk out of the house.

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