I Chews You

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Kyler's world:

      He rushed through his living room grabbing anything his hands could get a hold up. He looked around, he hadn't seen one yet but he had known this was coming. His family had been acting weird, his brothers seeming more pale then usual.  He dug into his pantries and got all the food he could and shoved it into his backpack. Looking up at the stairs and the room he had locked his family in he took in a deep breath and slowly creeped up the stairs heading into his room one last time. He slides his fingers against the one blue wall in his room and finally over the drawings which surrounded his wall full of all his friends drawing. Hopefully they were all good.
      He grabs his sack full of pencils, and coloring tool and shoves it into his backpack. He takes his phone putting it in his pocket with his charger. He smiled, once more as he closed his door and walked down the stairs waving at the door full of grunts and bumps. He opens his door staring at the sky that was full of smoke, how quick this disease spreads and ruins everything. He sighs and locks his front door, he had grabbed one of his step dads pistols with a silencer and a bunch of ammo. He was ready.

Kyra's world:

      She stares into her younger brothers room tearing up, her family had left quickly forgetting her.  She closes the door for the last time and locks it going into her room grabbing spare clothes, girl stuff, and her trusty hand held scissors. Wishing she had her dads gun which he had taken she sadly sulks to the outside of her house. She touches the house wishing it good luck and starts off on her way to a working car. She was going to drive it no matter what, perfect opportunity, and if she didn't move now, what was she going to do stand in Florida and just die. No way, she wasn't ready to die and never will be. She pulls her hoodie over her face protecting her from the sun and heads to a car jumping in and finding the car keys spread with blood on the floor. She looks in the back of the van which she had jumped in.
       Nothing. Good. She starts it up with a pound and starts off all jerky but soon goes fast, riding smoothly. She would check on Brooke's family first before going anywhere. She couldn't just leave her friend.

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