What's a zombie's favorite cheese? ORGAN-ZOLA

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Olivia's world:

Her bike swerved as she hit the side walk groaning in agony. She lays spread out on the side walk testing herself as she slowly stands up, nothing serious only cuts. She rubs the spot where blood came from and looked up making eye contact with Kyler. They both stared at each other surprised until they both let out a sigh of relief and hugged each other hard. "You okay!?" Kyler asked pushing away from her. "I'm fine. But damn, you look depressed." Olivia laughs looking at Kylers face. Kyler paused thinking of his next response, "I kinda locked my parents and siblings in a room.." He says rubbing his dirty blonde hair.
"I killed my mom and dad." Olivia says wiping her cheek which was now bleeding. The two students went silent as they awkwardly looked away from eachother.

Kyra's world:

      She slammed on the breaks as she hit a zombie it's undead body flying into the air. She covers her mouth surprised from the impact, good thing the airbags didn't work. More zombies were coming from the sound which emerged from the loud breaks. She speeds up zooming off and onto a freeway the world outside passing by in small glimpse's. She tightens up her hoodie and squeezes the steering wheel as she passed a little boy being chomped on by a zombie screaming and crying which attracted more of those undead bastards! It reminded her of her brother a slight tear slipped down her cheek as she stared straight forward not wanting to look or turn back around to help the goner little boy.
She turns into her friends drive way pulling out the key and holding onto it tight. She grabs her backpack and jumps out slamming the door open. Evacuated. Nothing. No one. Her fists curl around the key angrily, the top of the key poking into her hand cutting it. She slams the door as she rushes inside calling her friends name and collecting the remains of her friends family living in there so she remembers them. She gets some of their leftover food and leaves, not over staying her welcome. She hops back in the car and starts it up driving away from the house. She doesn't look back.

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