Chapter 10: Germs

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Kyler's world:

       I sneeze quietly and rub my nose I look around good thing Sarah wasn't here. She would scream about how cute my sneeze was, like she normally did. I go into the bathroom and use it, I touch the faucet, do these still work? I turn the handle and dark red blood oozes out. I retract my hands and smell them, I should really wash them, but not with blood. I wipe them on my black pants until I find water im not gonna touch anyone. Or not I laugh evilly in my mind. I look around the bathroom and spot a book crouching down to touch it I flip it open, "Legend." I read it slightly in my head and pick it up, I would read this when I could. I hold tight to it as I walk out regaining posture at the van. I hop into the front seat and rest my hands on the wheel. I squeeze it as shivers run down my back I look in the back and cover my mouth eye wide. Sebastian stares at me, he was crawling in through the back. I raise my hand to go slap him but stop, im not a girl I cant do that. He laughs nervously "I-I thought you were dead." he says. I keep my hand on my mouth showing I was obviously shaking, I thought he was a zombie or something.

       "Don't do that." I say my voice rising. "Sorryyyyyyy" he says "Do you want me to go tell Kyra you're okay." I shake my head. "Let her think im dead for a little bit more." I smile leaning back in the seat.

Sarah's world:

      I stare at the packs of cigarettes in my bag, this was my moms present. I could never forget my parents. I itch at thousands of red bumps on my skin and slug my backpack over my shoulder. I look at Kyra who was doing what she does. "We should leave here before any one else comes."
I say. We make eye contact and she smiles "Good idea Sarah." she gets your backpack on her back and the doors slide open as she walks out heading to the van. Me and Olivia follow behind her nervously. I look at Olivia who had her headphones plugged in. Probably listening to music.  I play with my glasses nervously, I wish life was normal again.

      Kyra stops at the door of the car staring at Kyler who was in the front door. His face goes straight staring at her. "In the back." she says. He nods and climbs into the back. I walk behind the van and me and Olivia climb in. I sit next to Kyler looking down. "Kyler?" I say looking up. He looks at me as he messes with his neck bandages which were soaking in blood still. I smile and he returns his own smile to me. I guess I could get used to this.

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