Chapter 4

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(I'm already done with doing zombie puns as the chapters

Kyler's world:

      He was extremely happy seeing Olivia okay. Next was sarah, he needed to see Sarah. Olivia looked at Kyler's moms car. "Got the keys?" She asks smiling, Kyler opened the garage which was mostly empty, he grabbed the keys on the rack, "yep." He smirked twirling them on his finger. "Jump in." She says about to get into the drivers seat he pushes her "my car!" He says jumping in first. She stares stunned at him and slaps his shoulder, "fine whatever." She says. She gets into the shotgun seat and turns on the air. They both sigh in loud relief, the air still worked. They stare at eachother and Kyler soon starts the car driving off. He was going to head to Sarah's to get her.
      Driving down the road he smiles seen sad sarah walking down the road. He rolls down the window, "EI ZOMBIE GIRL!" He yells knowing no zombies were around. She looks up surprised. Olivia stands up her head poking out from the window on the roof of the car. "Hey sarah." She smiles and sarah jumps around excitedly. She opens the back door and hops in. "I thought you two died I'm so happy!" She starts crying holding her cheeks. Kyler stared at her and smiled warmly "I'm glad you're alive." He says. She squeals. "What you guys have." She holds up her backpack. Kyler looked at his gun and backpack on the floor under him, "drawing stuff, ammo, and food."  "Same!"  Sarah says wiping her crying eyes. Olivia looks at her bag opening it, "food, pictures, ammo/weapons, chargers, phones, CLOTHESSS, and hairties." We all smile. Hopefully we find more survivors soon.

Sarah's world: (switching to first person view)

I was so happy when I found Olivia and Kyler. I thought they were dead, and now knowing they arnt is just awesome. I sit quietly as Kyler drives, he was so manly. Though he looked like he could cry any minute now. I look down at my hands nervously rubbing them together, what if we all died. I didn't want to die. I really didn't. I give Olivia an awkward smile as she looks at me. She starts playing vines on her phone with her free wifi writing down stuff in her notes about what was happening.
Knowing these people, I knew we all were going to be safe for a while.

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