Chapter 8

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Kyler's World:

I stare at the boy. Atleast he didn't get a boxcutter to his throat. I touch the sore cut on my neck still bleeding. It hurt and stung really bad. Kyra pushed him into the back and he knocks into Sarah. He apologizes and crawls into the back. Kyra's attention turns to the outside as it starts to rain. "God dangit." She says angrily she hits the steering wheel in anger. "Well. I guess were gonna have to sleep for now." She says. I cross my arms, "I don't want to sleep." I state. "Then go hunt out in the rain." She says. I shake my head. "Then sleep." She leans her seat back closing her eyes. I look at Olivia who had curled up in the corner. I look back at sarah who was leaning against the side trying to sleep. The new boy stares at me, "I'm Sebastian." He says smiling. "Kyler." I say. He shakes my hand smiling, and I smile back. "Looks like you cut your neck." He digs out a first aid kit and brings out some wrap. "Here." He holds it out to me and I take it skeptically.
      "You sure?" I ask. He nods smiling and I wrap it around my neck the soft Cotten covering my cut. I lay down and he lays down. "My parents died. And so did my nana." He says out of no where. I blink, "I-I locked my family in a room." I Say. "Cool." He says smiling showing his teeth. "You gonna make out of something." Kyra says her eyes were open and she was looking at us. My face goes red. "No!" I say angrily and roll away from Sebastian. Kyra chuckles and closes her eyes again. "Cool." She says.

Kyra's world:

      My eyes open and I smile seeing the sunshine outside the tinted windows. I look in the back seeing everyone still asleep. I sigh and start fixing the wood I had on the window. After fixing the wood I look back at the back of the van to see Olivia's eyes open. Her light brown eyes fixated on me. I motion for her to sit on the shotgun seat. She crawls past everyone and climbs in. I smile putting the keys in the slot,  I reach back grabbing two cans of beans and pop them open. I hold one out to her and she stares at it, "I-I don't like beans." she says, "Im a reall-" "Shut up and eat it. Your skinny butt needs it." I say and push it in her hands. She twirls the spoon in the can around nervously. I start up the car and start towards the road, the zombies had disappeared so I start up on the road smiling as I eat morning beans.

      "I was wondering if you like volleyball." Olivia says giving me a awkward grin with her big gap in her middle teeth. It was quite childish I laugh quietly into my arm, "A little." I say and look forward again adjusting my seat to my liking and taking another bite of beans. "I played on my schools volleyball team." Olivia says looking forward again. I nod, "I was in a math league." I say. Olivia took a bite of the beans and choked them down, hating every bite. "Math was something I was good at." She says, I nod, "I liked it." I say. Olivia looks in the back looking at sleeping Kyler, "He was horrible at math." She smiles remembering distant memories, "Kinda crazy how the normal world felt like it was so long ago, how many days have you been on the road?" She looks at me, and I look at her slightly but retain my eyesight to the road.

      "5 days." I say my cheeks going warm, I fix my glasses, "Yeah. 5 Days." I repeat. "Same." Olivia says, we both grin at each other. "Now. I have a question for you." I say, she tilts her head. "I was just wondering why your friends with that loser back there." I say turning a corner. She looked at her hands, "We kinda met in 3rd grade, and I've literally been stuck with him since then." she says taking another horrible bite of beans. I throw my can in the back avoiding everyone. I let out a sigh of relief, So he didn't just pick up two random girls on the side of the road. "How about the blondie." I say. "Sarah?" she asks. I nod, "Hes known her since 5th grade, 2 years." she stares at me. "I never understood how they just connected, hes kinda forgotten about me." she says shrugging she finishes her can of beans and places it on the floor. "Ohhh~~~ love triangles." I say happily looking at her.  She blushes hard, "I DONT LIKE HIM!" she whisper yells. I lean towards her slightly, "Oph to bad, shipped. Shipped so hard." I smirk, "Nooooo!" she says covering her mouth. "Hehehe" I chuckle leaning back to my normal pose.

      I hear someone shuffle and I look in the back, "Morning sweetheart. Finally decided to awaken sleeping beauty??" I say seeing the Kyler boy sit up. "Only to change my bandages." he says he digs through the Sebastian guys first aid kit. He wraps the disinfection wrap around his neck. Sarah starts snoring heavily, and Kyler puts his hand on her cheek and she stops. He flops back down and closes his eyes. "You need to pee?" I ask him. He doesn't answer and I roll my eyes. I look at Olivia, "You need to pee?" I ask her. She nods quietly. I smile "Okay!" I sing and roll into a gas station, "We should dig through the cash registers while were here and fill up on gas." I go to the gas things parking spaces while looking around, No zombies outside. Good.


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