Chapter 13: Scarlet Fever

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Kyler's world:

My eyes open but I close them lights being shined in my eyes. I hear a click and a sigh of relief "awake." A girls voice says happily. My eyes open wildly backing up but falling off hitting the ground. I groan in pain holding my shoulder. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" The girl says. A girl leans over me her dark black hair pulled back. "You okay?" She asks tilting her head. My whole face goes pink in a dark blush, "i-uh-who-WHO ARE YOU!" I scream and she covers my mouth. She grabs my arms and tugs me up helping me balance. I touch my head but cringe from the pain, "don't move lay back down." She says helping me up on a bed. My eyes zoom around the room, it looked like a...motel room? "Where am I?" I ask quietly. She smiles her cheeks lighting up, "you're in my groups base." We stare into each others eyes but soon nervously laugh looking away from eachother. She rubs the back of her neck awkwardly.
"Who are you?" I ask narrowing my eyes. She pulls the covers over my bare chest, "M-My name is Scarlet. Remember?" She pulls out circle lensed glasses putting them on her nose. I blink, she was with the group that hurt me and...and "Kyra! SEBASTIAN!" I scream sitting up quickly she shoves me down as I scream for help trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder. She covers my mouth "Shhh! SHHHHH!" She says putting her finger to her mouth. I stare into her eyes petrified as she takes off her glasses, "they're okay! My friend is taking care of them." She pauses and sympathy plays on her face, "Trust me and please lay down." She says. I relax and lay back down properly sweat dripping down the side of my face as I chew on the side of my cheek my shoulder hurt like hell. "I'll give you some proper pain killers in a second I promise. My leader didn't want me to give you some while you were passed out, since he didn't want to "waste valuable medicine" on a "dead guy."" She gives off a awkward smile and I can't help but smile back.
She stands up dusting off her skirt, "Okay, I'm going to introduce myself properly." "Oh and I'm sorry your birthday was on a horrible day." "I am Scarlet Kuhlman. 13 years old." I stop for a second as she pauses "you look like you're older." I half wheeze out, she blushes and nervously combs through her hair with her fingers her pony tail keeping the slick blackness in place. "I-I get that a lot. I'm taller than normal." She laughs. I blink "IM shorter than normal!" I say excitedly cringing from the pain again. "Cool!" She squeals out "okay. Ima go get you your pain killers!" She starts walking out holding her clip board, "don't go anywhere!" She laughs "like you can." She says. She looks at me one last time before closing the door, "Be back in a second." She winks and closes the door. I look at the ceiling the fan twirling and twirling. I smile and lean back into the soft pillow. Atleast I met more nice people then mean, my eyes switch to my shot wound, my shirt had been taken off to get bandaged, the bandages already soaked through. 2 injuries in 6 days. I tear up, I'm completely useless, letting my friends get dragged into that whole ordeal getting Kyra and Sebastian. I'm going to get me or my team mates killed. Images of my friends dead flash in my mind and I wipe my tears, I couldn't just let that happen.
Scarlet opens the door this time accompanied by a small girl. She pears at me from behind her her soft round eyes seeing to be studying me. "This is Lanna." Scarlet says putting her hand on Lanna's head, "I know you've only just woken up but she's already visited the other kids." Lanna nervously looks at Scarlet, "she warmed up to the other ones pretty quick so it won't be any different for you." I stare at the little girl, I had never hung out with kids younger than me. I wave quietly and she continues to stare hard at me. She flops down on the floor with a coloring book and Scarlet carries over a glass of water and pills. "Just take these. The pain will semi- go away" she holds them out and I hungrily take them. I was already sick of this pain. I chug the water down, it tasted so good. I hadn't had fresh water in maybe 2 days. She watches happily and puts her glasses to the side, "I hope you feel better." She says. "Same here." I say. The little girl stands up and flips open her coloring book, she opens it to show Scarlet. Scarlet nods happily, "this girl is so talented, look at this!" Scarlet says placing the coloring book on my lap.
I stare at the coloring, it was way better than mine "WOAH!" I scream "SO GOOOOD" I say happily. The little girls face lights up, "it is good huh!" She says climbing onto the red sheeted bed. She sits next to me pulling her legs to her chest, "that took a LONGGGG TIME!" She says smiling happily. My cheeks light up, she was so adorableeeee, she even had a little lisp! "I bet." I say rubbing the colored page. Scarlet laughs she turns the page, "I went out of my way just to find Lanna a coloring book after seeing her coloring with the chalk outside." I smile, "that was a really good idea. This girl is super talented." I say. Scarlets cheeks light up as she giggles with Lanna, "She has a twin brother." Scarlet says, "a brother?" I ask Lanna. "HIS NAME IS LENNIE! BUT WE CALL HIM KiDDO!" She screams. Scarlet puts her fingers to her lips "shh Lanna please. We have other people in the rooms." Lanna nods. "He looks just like mama." She says. I stare at Lanna, "and what does Mama look like." I ask, this kid was so cute she's just like a little sister. "Welllll he has her brown hair, and" she thinks for a second, "blue." Scarlet says. "And blue eyes!" Lanna exclaims. "Sounds cute." I say. "Yesh mama was cute" Lanna says. "I have her hair but I have daddy's eyes." I smile "I like your brown eyes."
A bigger smile appears on her face and I smile back, this was nice. I want this to last forever.

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