Chapter 17: The Talk

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Kyler's world:

I angrily storm into Kyra's room surprising her. "Can't you see I'm healing idiot" she says. I make sure the door is shut, "we need to leave." I say angrily. She stares at me like I'm crazy, "why?" "We have shelter, we have food, we have protection. I say we stay." She says. "I don't trust Sam." I grit my teeth saying his name. She looks back at her notepad she had in her hands. "I was thinking just the same." She looks around. "I don't think we should discus this in here though." She sighs. I look around and spot the thing she was looking at, a camera, pointed straight at me in the corner. I take a deep breath in. "He isn't worth our trust worthiness."  I hold my shoulder, it had been hurting since I had slammed the door open. I wince as her words hit me "pretend like you like him."  I breath heavily, "I'm horrible at that!" I angrily reject. "Then act like you're in love with him." My eyes widen. In love. With him? "Isn't that gay." I ask. "Whatever. Just leave me out of this." She starts drawing again. I stare at her for a little and sigh opening the door and slamming it. Sarah was waiting outside of it wincing at the loud noise. "I'm sorry." She says quietly.

Kyler stares at her "no I'm sorry." He responds. Sarah smiles, "you should try and trust Sam. He's really loving."  
Those words hit me hard sending my brain spiraling. Loving? When? How? The words come out of my mouth before I can take them back, "watch your ass sarah." I push past her and go into my motel room shutting the door and locking the door. I need to calm myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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