Chapter 12: Bleeding Kansas

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Kyra's World:

The man smirks as he throws photos of Kyler's family on the ground. "Please just let us go!" Sebastian screams the man swipes around and angrily aims the gun and a loud bang emerges. "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He screams, Sebastian screams in pain holding his the side of his face. Blood soaks through his hand flooding near him. The man aims at Kyler and shoots more gasps of pain emerging and petrified screams as the girl who was next to Olivia holds sarah back covering her mouth. Kyler holds onto his shoulder squeezing and gasping for air, he passes out flopping to the floor. My eyes widen and I start crying harder, the people who seemed to have teamed up with the man back up wide eyed "BOSS THE ZOMBIES!" One of the men scream. Sebastian shrivels to the floor in pain blood coming out of the side of his head he holds back his screams crying. "OUT!!RUN!" The man screams dropping the gun it goes off shooting me in the leg I scream in pain falling to my knees.
The pain!!! I scream grabbing my ankle and gulping in air. I fall to the floor all the way and see how Kyler had fallen to the floor. I crumple up in a fetal position as everyone rushes out zombies filling the hall from the sound. Sarah runs to Kyler and Olivia to Sebastian. Sarah and Olivia look at me petrified, jaws open as they both start crying and wheezing. The girl who had been holding sarah back stares straight into my eyes horrified as she looks in the hall then back at us. She shakes her mouth squirming. She rushes out slamming the door. Zombies flooding even more in the hall, my eye sight flickers before it goes all black.


Sorry for short chapter! I'll try and make the next one longer!

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