Chapter 5

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Kyra's world:

It had been a couple horrendous days before I crossed the border into Arizona, but whatever, where in this world was it not horrendous. I crack my knuckles and lean back in my chair looking in the back of the van. I had stacked all my cans of food, and laid down a blanket for a bed. I even locked the back of the van and put spare wood on the side windows so no one could sneak in and steal stuff. I had made a little necklace to hold my car keys too which was awesome. I sigh happily, this life i was getting pretty used to, it was kinda nice if i ignored the constant danger of zombies, no body for me to care about, no one to hold me back, and best of all, all the dumb girls at school weren't around to annoy me.
I squeeze the wheel as I sit back up starting up the car and driving. I couldn't stick in one spot for to long, or someone, or something was definitely going to find me. Turning the corner my car jolts making impact with something. I fly foward smacking my head on the wheel hard, i scream in pain and jolt back again. I start to shake looking up praying it wasn't a human or worse, a live zombie. I stare hard at the three faces smashed up on the window of their car. The one boy in the car pulled his face away rubbing it and wincing. The two girls look at eachother and at my car. Thank god I had tinted windows, i slowly slip down my seat hopefully they couldn't see me. I take the key out of the slot and put it on my neck turning off the car.
I could see the three people talking with eachother, the boy walking out and looking at the damage of his car. He seemed to be my age and I sigh heavily. No matter what age this world was ruined, they would surely over power me. I take hold of the box cutter i had in the cup holder but tense up seeing the boy had a gun in his hand. He talked to the girl in the shotgun seat for a second and she slipped into the drivers seat making the car back up. He looked back at my car covering the sun from his eyes and squinting. Him and the girl in the back who was looking out the window exchange uneasy glances at eachother and my car. I shake harder, they were gonna rob me I know it. I look at the family picture I had packed and put on the sun shader so I could see it Everytime I was in the drivers seat. I slowly go into the back with my box cutter putting it out all the way.
I hide behind the seat and peak out seeing the boy pull at the door opening it. He looks around not spotting me and I pray for him not to. His hand squeezes the handle of the gun his finger on the trigger. He looks behidn him slipping into the seat. "Sarah! Come check it out it's in perfect condition!" He says happily. He looks up seeing the picture and his whole face changes, going for excited to sad. He stares at it for a moment and my mouth gaps and my eyebrows furrow. How dare he look at my personal belonging! He shuts the door and smiles at the picture. "Sorry..." He whispers quietly touching it. My hand squeezes the box cutter and I jump out pulling his hair so his neck points out, I put the boxcutter to his throat pressing on it slightly, he let's out a loud gulp scared and the girls in the car scream covering their mouths. "Get out." I say narrowing my eyes, I make eye contact with him in the front mirror, true terror in his eyes.
His mouth gaps and he holds tight to his gun, I look at it "drop the gun and tell your friends not to come in or I slit your throat." I say, my hands were shaking, I hadn't killed anyone yet. "P-please understand." He says. "DROP IT!" I scream getting scared, I wasn't ready to die, and I couldn't just die right now. He drops the gun on the floor and I adjust my hand as he opens the door him shaking now. I get out with him making sure i don't accidentally cut his neck. I stare at the girls in the car tearing up, "y-you up to something with these poor girls!" I had grabbed his gun and I point it at them. And he gulps again his throat pressing more into the boxcutter her winces as soft pellets of blood drip down. The girls eyes widen and the girl in the back messes with the back door opening it. She jumps out "please let him go!" She says her voice cracking as she tears up. The girl in the front just sits there frozen. I look at their car, they had taken all the impact barely even denting my car. "You were trying to rob me!" I say
"I wasn't!" The boy says his voice cracking to. "I didn't ask you stupid." I say. "The girls are-are coming with me." I point the gun at the girl and at the car and she looks at the boy and starts walking to the car. She stops at the car raising her hands. "Get on your knees and empty your pockets....please?!" I say narrowing my eyes, "you girl, you two follow what she did quietly, and I won't harm this guy." I say. The guy had started breathing heavy more blood staining the steel of the box cutter. The brown skinned girl jumps out of the car staring at you. "This is stupid!" She says angrily. You wince, why did they care so much for this person, who probably kidnapped them. "Just let me go and we'll leave you." The boy says. "Stop talking!" I say angrily I start crying, "I don't know if you have more at your base!" I push him away and run towards the car I shove the girls into the back. They make a couple noises and I jump in starting the car and put the key in I start backing up the car. The boy holds his only slightly cut neck and watches surprised. "Please don't leave him!" The blonde girl screams crying hard. "COME ON!" The brown skinned girl says. "Shut up! HE WAS GOING TO RAPE YOU!" I scream squeezing the wheel. "NO! I WOULD RATHER DIE HES MY ONLY FRIEND ALIVE!" They both scream. They look at each other surprised and hug each other. "Please." The blonde one says. I look at the mirror in the front and look at the blood on my hand. "Fine but if he betrays me, I'm killing him." I head foward and stop next to him. "Gather your stuff, and come straight back here." I say narrowing my eyes.

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