Chapter 11: Kyler The Group Killer

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Kyra's world:

      I slowly turn the corner zombies flooding the streets. I had told everyone that if they really had to talk to whisper. We were in a deadly situation, and I wasn't ready to get anyone killed. I squeeze the wheel like I usually do when I get scared, I look at Sarah and Olivia who I had assigned to hold the locked back doors closed. Kyler was just laying in the corner thinking to himself, it had been 1 day after the Gorilla Gas station and he was already taking in his surroundings. "You okay?" I ask quietly. He doesn't respond and I look forward then at my hands. He finally decides to speak up, "I want to stop at moms work place." he says. I look back at him, "Where does she work?" I whisper. Sebastian was helping out the girls with holding the back door which a couple of zombies were banging and scratching at.  "A-A children's hospital." he says he takes in a deep sulking breath. I stare straight forward "A hospital huh." I ask I hear the movements of his nod. I tap my finger on the wheel, "You missing your mommy?" I snort quietly. "A little. I remembered she always kept family photos in her office. And I want her stuff. Its also a good chance to get some medicine." he adds. Sarah nervously stares at me, she probably wanted to go to. "Sure. Switch spots with me." I keep my foot on the gas until he comes and replaces me. I sit in the shut gun seat next to him.  He slams his foot on the gas and we speed off away from the crowds of zombies.

      I smile "6 days." I say to him. He nods as he drives, "6 days since we lost our family. 3 days since we met." I sing as we get into a clearing. He doesn't respond to me his eyes squinted. Clear things were in his eyes and I let out a loud gasp, "You wear contactsss?" I say excitedly. He nods, "OHHHHH!!!" I scream it was okay to talk now since most of the zombies were gone. He pulls into a parking lot and my face goes straight. This whole place was filled with dead zombies. All dead laying on the ground their brains smashed. My mouth gaps, someone was in that building. "Grab your weapons guys." I say as I slowly step out of the car. Everyone does as I say and Kyler leads the way barging into the building. The same as the outside, dead zombies everywhere, there heads smashed in, or pinned to the wall. He turns a corner telling us to wait where he was. I hear fidgeting and silence. Sarah nervously jogs in place after 3 minutes pass. "We should check on him." "We should call for him!" she would say over and over again until I tell her to shutup.

      If he was crying I didn't want to barge in and ruin it. The door opens and Kyler stands thereonly showing the side of his face. "Come-co-come in." he says shaking blood smeared on his shirt, his legs were bucking then unbuckling from all his shaking his pupils slightly shaken, he looks at us from the side of his face. I hold Sarah back, "Why. Don't you need privacy." I say narrowing my eyes. His eyes dart behind him and to me. "Please!" he takes hold of my shirt dragging me in, a couple hands grab me and I scream but they cover my mouth. I close my eyes and open them seeing a couple people pulling Kyler back in the same way  as me, a gun at his head and his mouth covered. His hands shaking. They scream at everyone else to get to the wall and throw their weapons in the pile.  "GET THE FUCK BACK!" "WE'LL SHOOT YOUR BRAINS OUT I SWEAR!" a older man screams pointing his gun at Sarah, Olivia, and Sebastian. They do as he says lining against the wall their hands up and sitting in a formal way dropping their weapons.

     "THESE TWO RIGHT HERE WILL ALSO GET THEIR BRAINS SPLATTERED IF ANY OF YOU DARE MAKE A MOVE!" He screams pointing Kylers Pistol at Kyler then at me. My eyes narrow at Kyler, it was his fault! HE WANTED TO GET THE MEDICINE! His eyes widen and avert away from mine. I squirm under the guys grasp who had taken me. The guy standing in the middle of the room stares at me and looks back at the other three. "WHAT THE FUCK ELSE DO YOU HAVE PUT IT ALL INFRONT OF YOU!" He points his gun at me, "Take her back pack and search through it!" he yells at someone else. Olivia pulls out a pack of gum and spits her piece out on the ground. He looks at her "That all you have?" he says angrily, "Yeah I swear!" she says her voice quivering. I tear up "LET ME GO FUCKASS!" I scream into the mans head. The guy presses the pistol under Kylers chin and Kyler quivers screaming into the guy holding him's hand tearing up. "What was that girly?" he says looking at you, Kyler shakes his head screaming loudly it being muffled by the hand.

      "DONT SHOT HIM PLEASE!" Sarah screams. He points the gun at Sarah "Would you rather be shot?" he asks "No..." she says the girl who was standing next to Olivia seemed uneasy, I stared at her and we make eye contact. Her eyes screaming words at me "Im so sorry!" I could almost read her eyes as if they were a book. She seemed to almost be maybe 3 years older than me 15 maybe.  I wiggle in the mans grasp letting out ragged breaths through my nose scared, he pressed the gun harder against my head and tilts my neck up as the middle aged man presses the gun against my throat now and i make eye contact with him. His eyes seemed almost mad. "I'll shoot your fucking lungs out if you move one more time." he says to me he taps my chin a couple times with the gun smirking. He walks to the middle of the room and to a computer pulling something off it. He looks at Kyler

"Day list:

Birthday present for Kyler (sims game) on may 6th.

Peanut Butter cookies

new clothes for Kadyn.

maybe sheets for bed. 

Go to bank."

Kyler stares at him shocked, "That yours?" he ask he drops it "Doesn't seem important. Happy birthday!" He says. I stare at Kyler. WHAT A SHOCKER JESUS. I narrow my eyes, the middle aged man shifts through other stuff on the desk.  "You probably came here for the photos?" he asks.  None of us answer.

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