Chapter 14: Grave Group

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Kyler's world:

      It had been three days since I had met Lanna, and Scarlet, three days after I had been shot and almost zombie food, and three days after falling in love with the amazing black hair Scarlet had. I lay in bed hands folded on my stomach. I hear the familiar humming of Scarlet as she booty bumps the door open, "hello kyler!" She sings happily. She had my normal can of spinach and a glass of water and pain killers. What ever type of pain killers those were, they worked good. "I think you already know what to do." She says I nod and drink down the pills savoring the water. "Where do you get this water?" I ask, she stares at the curtains. "You should ask my leader that." She looks at me, "he's decided to check up on you guys, be happy." She gives me a soft smile and I blush smiling back.
      "He's looking at your friend Sebastian right now." I sit up slowly, "how is Sarah? Olivia? Kyra?" I ask. Scarlet laughs into her hands, "you're so adorable. They're all okay. If he says you check out he'll let you out of this room. He'll let you roam the base." Scarlet says. I start eating my hot spinach staring at scarlets black hair, today she had let it loose, no ponytail, or bun. Hottttttt. Scarlet looks back at me, "hurry up and eat Kyler." She says almost like she was cheering me on, "slow down Scarlet I just got my food!" I laugh as I hurry up my eating. "I was wondering something...." I trail off as I take my last bite of spinach. Scarlet peaks at the blinds hiding the outside from me, "Hm?" She says, "Why are you the one helping me." I say. Scarlet looks at me from the side of her face, "because there's only two people in our group who know how to properly treat the wounded or sick." She sits on the side of my bed smoothing out her skirt, "My parents were both doctors and thought it proper to raise me up to take over their clinic business." She looks down.
       "My mom was a child doctor. She took X-rays." Scarlet looks at me startled, "OH YEAH!" She said happily, 'kinda forgot about that ordeal." She looks foward,"I would say you should forget it to. Don't bring it up when leader is here, I had told him you and your friends were attacked by bandits at your base."  I stare at scarlet confused, "why?" I ask, "I secretly worked with those people that shot you." She looks at the door like if someone was listening. "For Lanna and Kiddo." She says squeezing her hands into fists. I nod quietly, "I understand." I say she looks at me happily, "thank god. You can't tell anyone about this  in this group, I already told your other friends not to bring it u-" a loud knock summons scarlet off the bed, she opens the door and a 20 or so old man stands there. "Scarlet." he says. Scarlet smiles, "Sam." He nods at her and walks in his first glance towards me. I wave smiling and he glares, "save it. I, only allowing you here because your group might just help my group out." He seemed to almost look down on me like I was the omega and he was the Alpha. I sit up, he stares at my bandages, "what filth. Scarlet change his bandages." scarlet goes to walk to me but he stops her, "nevermind I'll just do it." He says his eyes narrowing.
      I smile warmly as he unwraps my soggy bandages taking new ones. As he wraps it his finger seemed to slide roughly against my wound lots of times almost making me jerk slightly. He probably wasn't doing it purposely... I stare at him as he ties it roughly. "Good." He says standing up. "I guess he's good. I have no time for this anymore. I'm going to go talk to your sarah friend." He seemed to almost smirk as he turned around his eyes staring at me. "Oh" I say excited, "Isn't sarah awesome!" I say asking. He thinks, "she is quite a thing." He says and closes the door. I look at scarlet who's mouth was quivering. "You okay Scar?" I ask, she takes a deep gulp, "he likes YOUUU." She says nervously. I smile, "good. It would be horrible if your leader hated me."  I say "yeah." She says "you want to go explore outside?" She says walking beside me. "Yes please!" I say excitedly. She giggles and helps me up. "Is Kyra able to go outside." I ask. Scarlet nervously looks at the door, "until we get a wheelchair no." She says. "as wheelchair!" I say surprised.
      "The man shot her in the ankle. It missed her tendons thankfully, but it got lodged in the bone." She laughs awkwardly. And I blink in confusion, "I would like to see her then." I say. Scarlet nods, "would you like to hear about Sebastian's injuries?" She asks as I start walking, thankfully my shoulder wasn't hurting as much. "Sure." I say passing his door. "Well he basically got his ear shot off." I cringe, "is he able to hear?" She nods, "yeah but the ear isn't there." She chuckles and I laugh slightly, poor guy. I look over the ledge and am finally able to see where I had been. A parking lot of a motel. Everything was blocked off barely any walkers in sight, "this is a good spot." I say. Scarlet smiles and nods, "Sam is a smart man." She says. I nod, "I bet he is." I say. Scarlet pushes the door open and I hear the angry growls of Kyra. "I don't want to eat that!" She whines. "B-but they're mushrooms!" The boy says almost angry."I ain't gonna eat nasty, ol' mushrooms." Kyra says her eyes catching a glimpse of me."OHHHH!" She screams "KILLER!"she screams. I blink. Everyone at school always called me killer. I wave. "How are you sleeping beauty? Sleeping in like usual?" She says tilting her head all innocently. "Shut up." I say smiling.
      "I'm happy seeing you didn't get SHOT IN THE FUCKING FOOT!" She screams the last part at the blonde boy with glasses trying to feed her, she slaps the spoon out of his hand mushrooms flying everywhere, "what did you get to eat princess? An apple? Maybe a sandwich?" She asks me. "Spinach...." I trail off. "I WANT SPINACH NOT MUSHROOMS I DEMAND IT!" She says at the boy. The boys eyes glare up and he looks at scarlet who let's out a nice hardy laugh, "looking beautiful as ever Kyra." The two girls fist bump and Kyra chuckles. "I know. I know." She says. "Can I have some spinach?" She asks scarlet.Scarlet looks at me. "How about you come with me so I can show you were the food is stored Kyler." Scarlet says. I nod wildly, she walks to me and Kyra cheers, "try not to make out while your there. Or I'll end up shipping you two." Kyra says chuckling.scarlet blushes and so do I. She leads me out and down a set of stairs, at the bottom waiting for me was Lanna and her twin brother which I had yet to me. "Hi kiddo."I say smiling,"you're a creep." The boy says. I blink, "a-a what." I ask, "a ugly fat pervert!"he says then screams, his sister pushes him angrily, "no he isn't Lennie!!!" She says angrily. "Scarlet what are you two doing?" Lanna asks like nothing happened. Kiddo jumps back up and makes a train sound he runs off making the sounds.
      "I'm showing Kyler where the food is." Scarlet says, "cool I'm coming!" She says, looking at her hands I notice she has a blood red chalk in her hand. We three start walking I cross unfamiliar faces a couple staring at me, I nervously look down. There wasn't many people here, but it was still awkwardly. My social anxiety was coming to me again. "So Lanna." I say looking at Lanna as we all walk. Lanna looks up at me, "yes?" She says, "is red your favorite color?" I ask. She looks at the chalk it had smeared everywhere on her hand. "Yeah." She says smiling. "Sammy said when I see this color I will know that I am alive." She says. I look foward, what a thing to tell a child, god. "I don't like Sammy." Lanna says I look back at her, and that seemed to strick something in Scarlet, "Lanna maybe we shouldn't talk about Sam at this moment." She says angrily. Lanna looks confused for a second, "he likes to touch m-" scarlet picks up Lanna up angrily, "ignore Lanna Kyler. She likes to talk about her nightmares." Scarlet says."oh." I say
      Scarlet stops and places Lanna down opening a cooler. The cold air which would normally come out doesn't emerge. "We store all canned stuff here. Once you get better Sam will assign you  a role in our community." I look around at the small group, "sure..." I say. What community I think to myself. "You will most likely be a food runner." She says. "A food runner?" I ask, "yeah you go running around the town finding food." She smiles, "it's really simple." She giggles. "What's Olivia and Sarah's job!" I say excitedly. Scarlet thinks, "Olivia the black one?" I go straight faced looking around, Olivia would sucker punch her if she heard that. I nod slowly, "Olivia is on day care duty today." Scarlet says. Lanna cheers happily, "she's funny!" Lanna giggles. "She was teaching me about the civil war today." Scarlet rubs Lanna's head, "and sarah?" I ask. Scarlet frowns but turns it into a frown, "Sam requested her to job around the city. He wants her body to be more...." She trails off. She does curve motions,"skinny in the middle fat in the back." My face goes awkward, "and what else does she do." I say a little angry , sarah was the perfect size.
     "Usually she helps  Sam do his dutys with everyone, basically a helper."
"Does he like sarah." I say abruptly. That seemed to startle Scarlet, "H-he treats every women fairly!" She says but covers her mouth, "we should head back to your room, Sam requested you not to be let out this long."

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