Chapter 6

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Olivia's world:

      Did I literally just get threatened to go into someone's car. Isn't this kidnapping? I look at the sky dark clouds were coming in, rain was going to come. I look at Kyler who was grabbing his stuff Sarah dabbing at the slit on his neck, "SHE CUT YOUR SCARS OPEN!" She would scream over and over until finally he just pushed her away. "I know." He finally responded, he was in a bad mood, knowing him for 6 years, I could tell. "Hey um...Kyler." I say holding tight onto my backpack. He puts his strap over his shoulder and looks up at me. "I'm sorry you got your neck cut open. We'll clean it in the van."  I say trying to lighten his mood. "If she doesn't decide to just shoot us!" He says angrily, Sarah daps his neck with cloth soaking up the blood that was dripping once more and he pushes her away again. This time she leaves him and grabs her backpack and shot gun. Kyler squeezed his strap and started walking back to the van the girl examining him angrily before letting him into the back of the van. Sarah wiped her eyes stopping her tears.
       I walk behind her and we get into the van. I stare at Kyler who was sulking in the corner, he looks at me. "Come here I'll clean it." I say, he crawls and sits in front of me the girl who basically kidnapped us jumping in and starting up the car. She starts driving going forward and I dig into my backpack. I dap a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide. "Lift your neck." I say. He stares at the cotton ball skeptically and raises it, I dab it on the cut and he winces the cut fizzing up. I look at the girl driving glaring, "did you even clean that boxcutter correctly!" I say angrily. She doesn't look at me, "no and I don't care." She says sternly. I continue to dab the cut until the cotton ball soaks up the blood. I place it somewhere leaving it. "Should heal up." I say smiling at Kyler. He stares at me "cool." He crawls to sarah and starts up a conversation. He should really, focus on his health more than other people. It's so annoying, god.

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