Chapter 7

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Sebastian's world:

      "No. No. No. NO!" I scream covering my mouth, not grandma. Not mom. NOT DAD.  They all had shot themselves, their body's pale. I squeeze my cheeks tearing up, this wasn't right. They shouldn't be dead! I pull at my dads shirt panicking then my moms. I look at nana, I reach for her but stand up, I should leave. If I don't I'll get eaten.  I look behind me at my front door, zombies groaning and clawing at it. I wipe my eyes looking at my dead relatives, "I'm so sorry." I say. I slowly walk to my room throwing stuff into it, I pack some first aid stuff and zip it up, going into my parents room I take a emergency hatchet and the gun they shot themselves with. 
      I slam the front door open hatcheting all the zombies in the face and running out screaming into my arm scared. My long legs bringing me a long way, away from the zombies chasing me. I hold tight onto my weapon and continue screaming into my long sleeved blue shirt.

Kyra's world:

      I pull up my hoodie looking at the sky. "It's gonna rain." I say quietly and push up my glasses. The girl who I have figured out named Olivia seemed surprised. "I thought that too." Olivia say. "Mhm." I say smiling. I could get used to this Olivia girl. I look at the Sarah one, she seemed nice but she wouldn't talk to me. "You sure you're okay?!"  She asks the Kyler boy. He nods touching his neck. He looks straight at me and my face goes red as we make eye contact. I felt horrible for cutting his neck, but it was his fault! He was the one snooping through my stuff! I jolt back and the three people in the back hit the back door making a loud bang. "OH SHIT!" I scream but cover my mouth.
      Oh my god. I had hit a huge group of zombies. The three guests look frantically at the group of zombies which were regaining their posture. "GO! GO!" Sarah screams scared. I put my finger over my mouth scared. They respond to sound. I press on the gas but my wheel was stuck on a body. My eyes widen and my hands tighten on the wheel once again. "Kyler Sarah ready your guns." I lock the doors. "Be as quiet as possible." I whisper. Olivia looks around scared she was breathing heavily. "Don't show fear, it makes your heart beat faster and they can hear that!" I whisper yell. She takes in deeper breaths calming down as zombies bang on the sides of the van. "Olivia make sure that back door doesn't open." I command quietly. She nods and looks at Kyler who was also scared. My hands shake my heart pounding, I take deep breaths like Olivia and sit up perfectly. Calm down Kyra. Calm down. I think to myself closing my eyes.
      I unleash my grip on the wheel and make the car go back it hitting a bunch of zombies. I step on the gas and go fast hitting zombies making them roll off the hood, or fly into the air. Everyone in the van holds onto something as I zoom past the zombies finding what was causing this. A kid, running from them screaming. I ride up past him peeling the wood off. I grab onto his shirt pulling him into the car avoiding his hatchet. He basically sits on my lap as I speed off covering his mouth. Everyone let's out a relief sigh as we head into the woods out of the zombie parade far away. I push the person off me and into the seat next to me. I raise my hand and slap him hard across the face frightening him. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!" I scream angrily. Kyler and Sarah stare hard at me confused. Olivia shrug it off still holding the back door closed. The boy stutters for a second, "thanks for saving me." He says quietly. "THANKS MY ASS. YOU ALMOST KILLED 4 PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THAT INCIDENT IF I WASNT ME, I WOULDVE SHOT YOU DEAD RIGHT ON THE SPOT." I scream furiously. He blinks and narrows his eyes. "It wasn't my Fa-" I slap him again "rule 1. NO ONE TALKS BACK TO ME!" I say more angry.

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