Zombies are looking for brains. Dont worry youre safe.

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Olivia's world:

Her hand clutches to her groaning moms clothes her mom pulling and tugging at her to bite into her neck. She tears up and stabs her mom in the skull screaming she jumps up and grabs her phone and charger. Grabbing cheetoh puffs and extra clothes she shoves them into a backpack. She cries hard as she looks through her texts. Nothing from Kyler. Hopefully he was okay. She grabs the card he drew for her and her jewelry box full of valuable things. She counts all her important things before putting them in her bag. She had just killed her undead mom. Her hands were shaking and she could barely stand up. She pulls her hair up and does a fake smile "I'm fine. I-I'm really fine." She says.
She rushes down her stairs to find her dog laying on the floor dead. "Bye coco." She says waving, she runs outside and grabs her bike riding towards Kylers house.

Sarah's world:

"ETHAN!" She screams petrified. "Ethan please stop bleeding!" She sobs holding onto her little brother. Her mother had bitten him and he was twitching coughing out dark red blood almost black. She let's go of him, he was a goner. "I love you." She says. She stands up hands shaking. All her friends, all the ones she had made since she moved. Probably all dead, hopefully Olivia and Kyler were okay, hopefully it hadn't spread to them. She holds onto her stepfather shot gun. She was protected by the shotgun and felt safe. She holds onto her backpack full of all kinds of stuff. Slowly she ascends to the outside starting to walk to Rio crossing. Kyler and Olivia's neighborhood. She hadn't seen any zombies so far and she hoped she wouldn't.

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