Chapter 16: Enemys everywhere

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Kyler's world:

      I itch at my arm annoyed like. I have had this habit since I met sarah itching and clinging to my arm in awkward situations. So far since I had arrived at this camp I had never been in such a awkward situation. Meeting all these new people, me automatically making one angry right as I met him. "Ya' think ya' better than me mate!" The furious man yells leaning over my small skinny body. I waver under him making eye contact with Scarlet, Olivia, and Sarah. My eyes plead at them I had never had this happen before. "SAY SOMETHIN'!" The man yells. "I-uh...wha??" I say not connecting my words. The mans green eyes stared into my blue once almost daring for me to throw a punch. I totally would have but looking around, I would gain a bad side on more than 1 persons sides. Scarlet puts her hand on the man who I had found out was named Chuck. "Chuck please calm down, I don't think he meant what he said." She says.
     "He meant what ye' said!" My mouth quivers, all I said was his voice reminded me of a pirate. Nothing that would offend a regular person. "Man. I didn't mean it!" I say scratching my arm harder blood started to soak out of the bumps which had appeared from my scratching. "CHUCK! He's hurt you should even be in this argument!" Scarlet says. "WATCH YE' BACK MATE." Chuck hollers at me his eyes narrowing. "you will be in a world of pain if ye' ever cross my turf!" Chuck says. He shoves scarlet and I catch her surprised, pain shooting through my shoulder I bite my lip to hold in the scream of pain I wanted to let out. Helping her back up I could see the pure anger in her eyes. Chuck walks off angrily, the older couple I had met earlier with their son watching his every step. I hold my shoulder wincing and Olivia and Sarah rush over. "Dang that was uncalled for." Olivia says looking at chuck who had sat down on his truck. Sarah's eyes showed her struggle for words, "k-Kyler do you want your bag?" Sarah says out of context. I blink rubbing my shoulder the pain soon disappearing slowly.
      I waver for a second, "yes." I hadn't seen any of my items that I had before the whole time I had been here. "Sam kind of went through your bag." She says as she walks me Scarlet walking beside me and Olivia beside Sarah. I roll my eyes, "why?" I ask. Sarah snorts, "he doesn't trust you." "Did he take anything?" I ask angrily, Olivia wipes at the blood coming from my bumps my whole arm now red with annoyance. Sarah looks away from my angry look, "yes." "BUT! He's much nicer than the guy who shot us." She says the last part quietly. "Sam is really nice to me. I don't get why he doesn't like you." She whispers. My mouth goes straight as we stop at a group of backpacks. Kyra, Sebastian, mine, sarah, and Olivia's bags. I grab mine digging through it. "He took all my food!" I say "our group shared that food evenly I promise." Scarlet says referring to my cheezits. I stare at her surprised. "You can't just steal from people." I state and dig through it, "he stole my gun, all my ammo, everything I could protect myself with!" I say even more angry. Sarah rubs my back and I angrily look at scarlet.
      "And you didn't even tell me any of this! That was MY stuff!" I whisper yell at her. Scarlet stares at me surprised. "I'm sorry! I didn't think you would mind." She says. "I want my gun back!" I whisper yell. "AND ALL OF MY AMMO!" I whisper yell louder my voice shaky. Soft groans emerge from the gates. Zombies walking behind them. They didn't take notice of the wall and just walked around. Scarlet tears up, "I will I promise." She says her voice shaky now. I soften up and hand my backpack on my good shoulder. "Help me back to Kyra's room I want to talk with her alone." I say.

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