Chapter 15: Nourished Neighbors

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Kyler's world:

      One more day had past since I had learned of the different jobs. I sit up in bed as Scarlet walks in, she smiles at me bringing in a can of spinach. I eat it happily as she talks to me, "Sam says it's okay for you to walk around!" She says pulling a stool out she sits down smoothing out her skirt. My cheeks light up, "cool!" I say finishing up quickly. I drink my pain killers down though my shoulder was feeling much better. I slowly stand up and off the bed, "I was getting sick of laying here anyways." I laugh making her giggle. She opens the door allowing me out I stare down the stares before we ascend down them her holding me so I don't go foward. "You're gonna love everyone " she says, "they're all lovely people I promise!"  She says excitedly. I trusted her enough to take her word on that. I stare at my hand which she had taken into her blushing madly. I think she was into me. I look up at her, her face was her neutral smiling face, or not I could be mistaking her nice attitude from a crush. I squeeze her hand like I usually did whenever I held hands with sarah. Though I usually never hold hands with her.
      Scarlet takes me towards a group who were talking, I could see the bolden head of sarah peaking out. I make eye contact with her and she pushes out screaming happily. She stops at me and pats my blood soaked shirt which I had thrown on. "You feeling okay?" She asks I nod happily and she pulls me into a tight hug avoiding my gun wound. "Thank god. Thank god. Thank god." She repeats more than once. I chuckle "yeah." I say. I blink seeing several stares coming my way the group still talking. A old couple smiles at me, slowly they walk over as sarah releases. "Hello." The old woman coos. "I have heard good things from this young woman right here about you." She says giving off another smile her face crinkling. "Same here." The old man says, he shakes my hand over excitedly for his age, I laugh awkwardly. They seemed nice but being introduced to people so quickly was always hard for me. I give them a awkward smile and both of them smile. The old lady pats my chest, "you are so young. My name is Laura. I'm guessing your name is....hmmm....Kyler?" She asks. I nod quietly, "my name is Bennie but you can call me Ben." The old man says right before a young man seeming to be maybe in his late 40's approaches. He puts his arm around Ben, "This handsome young man is our son Bennie Jr." The man holds out his hand and I stare up at it, I shake it awkwardly, "this man was hugeeeee. I think to myself.


Sorry for short chapter I'll make a better one next time

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