Chapter 2

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AN: Hey everyone! I hope that its enjoyable so far! I'd love to hear back from all of you, and enjoy this next chapter lovelies!


"Okay, guys, we ready for this?" Geoff asked pleasantly, clasping his hands together and looking around at the five guys stationed out before him.

The only response that he received were loud whoops and hollers, the guys all turning to their friends and giving them high fives and knuckle bumps, a few swinging their arms around one another and bringing them in close. Geoff wouldn't have imagined their reactions any other way, this was the way it had always been. Every single score they had ever pulled had came down to that moment: the moment right before they were all going to split up and risk their lives for one another.

And it had been that way ever since their very first score. Geoff remembered it like it was yesterday, it surely felt like it was, and he wanted to laugh his award winning laugh at the thought of Project Numero Uno.

That was the title of their very first heist that they pulled off as a team. It had been a few months into the making of the Fake AH Crew as they called themselves, and they all decided it was time to put their years of training and skills to work once and for all to see if their crew was actually worth something. So each individual spent weeks on end contributing to the charity of their own, putting in ideas and scoring setups and getting used to working with one another in a totally different aspect than just completing jobs for gangs and figureheads here and there like they had been doing.

Of course, it took some time to understand that they were all working as a team and not individually anymore, but in the end it paid off, and Project Numero Uno was born. It was their first official heist, and it was the start of something new for their future. That project was the reason that they were where they were today, but the part that Geoff distinctly recalled the most was the moment that he had gathered everyone around him before they could all steal off to commence.

He had prepared in his mind a big speech to get them ready, and to thank them for everything that they had done because they had become his family in the time that the Fake AH Crew formed, but he himself realized at that time that he was trying to prepare himself for that moment too. He had grown so close to these people over the months, and he was fully aware that by sending everyone out there, they could be just as good as dead. He could have been just as good as dead too. But he knew that was the risk a person took when getting too familiarized with their co-workers in this sort of life, and he had to accept it and move on.

Besides, they were all too professional to get killed right off the bat. Nothing was going to take any of them down that quickly, so he manned up and did his speech and although he could see the tiny glistening of hesitation and doubt in all of their eyes, he whisked them away so they could get into position. And after that, it all seemed to work out, and they no longer doubted themselves or their teammates.

There had been slip ups, that was granted for any criminal, but for the most part, their up and coming crew was a force to be reckoned with. They targeted place after place and succeeded so many times that it came natural to them, and they were beyond their prime at this point, only skyrocketing upwards from there. The crew was so swift, so easy with each other, and they worked well together, almost like every single one of them were soulmates and were meant to find one another. Geoff believed that with every fiber of his being, and as he stood there now, admiring the people in front of him as they cheered and laughed with the person next to them, he knew that their destiny was this crew.

The job that they were going to take on was fairly pretty easy. He had been contacted by the Triads, an ally gang that had partnered with his crew before, and they offered him to get to the Davis Department of City Records to snatch up more than a dozen shipping manifests, and they would pay in generous numbers for each document as they were apparently very valuable assets to obtain. The man that had contacted him, Toshi Hamada, distressed that these manifests were the key to professionally overtaking all of the banks for three counties in San Andreas, and perhaps they could even work together to rip off said banks and split the sum down the middle. Geoff was completely interested at this point and agreed without any type of hesitation. He had been looking for a big break for a while, and the deal was offering it to him directly.

When the Game Changed (Ryan Haywood x OC) (Fake AH Crew)Where stories live. Discover now