Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter should FINALLY start building more and more Ryan x Dak, and we're gonna be getting a new threat to take off with our plot. Thanks for all of the love, you guys are great


"Hey, D, check that guy up on the shipping crate," Ray mumbled towards his partner and motioned his head upwards, to which Dakota gave a slight glance in the direction that he was talking about.

The woman, clad in a jacket and jeans to fight the cold, caught sight of a man indeed on top of the top shipping crate in front of them and to their right, and she quickly returned her gaze to where it had previously been. "Good eye, Ray. Looks like Riggins didn't feel so comfortable with this deal after all," she paused a moment. "He look like he's packing anything serious?"

Ray didn't even hesitate to answer. "Nah. He's only carrying a pistol, doesn't look automatic or even semi. Hope they put him up there cause he's got a quick finger at least, cause I wouldn't put my money on him."

He heard Dakota chuckle slightly.

"Well, if this goes South, I wasn't going to bet my money on him either. Considering the way you shoot a gun, I wouldn't be caught dead voting for anyone else."

"Let's just hope it doesn't get that far."

Ray narrowed his eyes as three men came into his view a football field's length away, stowed away underneath dim lighting and shadows of the towers of shipping crates surrounding the entire industrial yard. They looked both ominous and cliché, standing with one man in the front and the other two staggered behind the first.

Of course, the man in the middle was Riggins. Cast in the shadows of the night and with the works of tinted lights creeping down onto him, he definitely didn't seem like the type that could pass for a gang leader other than the fact that he gave off the impression of a villain more than anything. Riggins was lanky and tall and even from the distance Ray could see how his eyes narrowed as he and Dakota neared closer. His hairline was receding into his head and it matched the crow's feet that could also be distinctly noticed from his position. And even with that, the man looked too decorous to be standing there, surrounded by men with guns that he could direct at the snap of his bony, calloused fingers.

Ray wasn't even in the slightest worried about the outcome of what could happen next. Tom Riggins was a man that Geoff had been doing business with for a few months now, but he was always pretty sketchy when it came down to it. There were times that he wouldn't return phone calls or that deadlines he set would be set back further and further, or even the fact that no one had ever seen his face before because he always sent his goons to conduct a deal for him.

But those weren't problems. The crew had dealt with shifty people one too many times and could handle it.

And even though this was the first time that Riggins decided to show up to this particular meeting for whatever oddball reason, Ray wasn't concerned because he had been in the game long enough to know that he had talent, and he was good at what he did.

The other thing that eased him was that he had Dakota tagging alongside him, walking forward with a bold confidence and a face full of stone that could shoot anybody down with one glance. Just he fact that she was stood beside him, professional as always and acting like nothing could ever phase her made Ray feel a hundred times more confident in themselves.

If there had been anything that Ray had learned in the past two months with Dakota Dayley in the Fake AH Crew, it's that she was as official and skillful as they come, and she was also one of the best friends he had ever gotten to know in his whole life next to the guys. Dakota fit in so easily from the beginning, so it wasn't a surprise when she ended up quickly learning everything about the crew's inner lives and got in with them. She eagerly became educated on every little detail of all of their lives and involved herself into their affairs too. When a person needed someone to talk to, they went to Dak. When someone wanted to go out and have a crazy night, they went to Dak. When someone wanted to just lounge around and laugh and have a good day off, they went to Dak, and she was incredibly the most bubbly, attentive, caring person that any of them knew.

When the Game Changed (Ryan Haywood x OC) (Fake AH Crew)Where stories live. Discover now