Chapter 17

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A/N:We're seriously getting closer to the end guys! It's sad to say, but there's no worries! There's much more planned... (;

"Rae, are you there?"

A voice cut through a nine way earpiece.

"What the fuck, Lazer, I thought we were using middle names?!"

A different, younger voice.

"Wha-what?! That is a middle name! What are you talking about?!"

"No, that's my actual name!"

"Goddammit, I'm not talking to you, Swagmaster, I'm talking to fucking Da- oh fuck this. D, wherever the fuck you are, you better answer me so I can stop talking to this asshole."

Dakota chuckled lightly on her end of the earpiece, knowing well that this whole code name/middle name thing was going to be confusing, but she didn't plan for it this early on. They didn't even start the heist yet, and here they were, Ray and Geoff hashing it out because Dakota's middle name just so happened to be her best friend's name.

The woman, outfitted in all black, her face covered with dark shades and a black cap that fit down well over the front of her head, just enough so no one would recognize her, reached for the small button on her earpiece and pressed it firmly.

"I'm here, boss. We're all in waiting for your order. What's your location?"

Geoff, still in a van with Jack and Gavin while riding it out to the nearest county that wasn't in Tongva, replied almost instantly. "Okay good. We're uh-" he paused to take a look outside of the passenger window, reading a sign that marked his position, "-about ten minutes from our destination. Won't be too long if Jack steps on the gas a bit."

Jack, driving the speed limit, took the hint and pressed a little further on the pedal, putting the whole van ten miles per hour more than what they were originally going. It was like his friend said, they'd be there in no time.

"We'll make contact with you as soon as we hit our spot," Geoff further instructed, then signing off of the earpiece to give himself a little peace and quiet before everything was about to go down.

Earlier in the day, everyone met up in the lobby right at seven, dressed and prepped with everything they were supposed to bring or going to bring. The vans were ready, prepared with every weapon and gadget that they all needed for their roles and filled to the brim with gas so there wouldn't have to be any pit stops before getting to their designated areas.

They went over the plan step by step with Lest and Burnie on speaker, talked any discontinuities over that needed to be fixed, and sure that everything was engraved into their minds and wouldn't slip away, all seven of the crew members made it out to their specific vans and took off in different directions.

Everything was lining up pretty perfectly. It was almost five, meaning most every civilian was going to be getting off of work and cashing in their checks or whatever it was that they were going to be doing at a bank, and while that meant a little more of a risk and more crowding inside of the building, it also meant more of a potential cut, theoretically at least. But even in theory, Geoff was confident in the team going in on the inside, and he knew that whatever the case may be, they'd all handle it.

The ride with Geoff, Gavin, and Jack was fun and relaxing, considering that their jobs were pretty easy this time, and they even tried coming up with a team name for the three of them since they were the only team that didn't actually have a name for itself. They finally decided on "Plan Fat," since Gavin and Geoff were paired up as "Plan G," and Geoff just threw out "fat" for Jack.

On the other hand, the other team wasn't having too much fun. With Michael driving, he was pretty dead set on being focused rather than do anything to somehow get off track while driving to the bank, and that left Ray, Ryan, and Dak to talk amongst themselves, but very awkwardly. Any other time it would have been fine, they would have had the time of their lives like Plan Fat did, but ever since Dakota told Ray that she kissed Ryan, he felt utterly uncomfortable when around the two.

When the Game Changed (Ryan Haywood x OC) (Fake AH Crew)Where stories live. Discover now