Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! I got extremely busy last week, but now I'm back, and maybe I'll post two this week, who knows?! But anyways, remember that feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks guys! <3


Dakota was nothing short of nervous by the time she was following six unfamiliar men through a long, white corridor on the top floor of a building she had always seen, but never paid really paid attention to. Their loud antics didn't help as ridiculous laughter and yelling echoed off of the tall, ceiling wall and plagued her ears, the occasional threat rolling off of the man who took the front, his face stern and rarely found looking backwards to make sure Dakota was still there.

On the drive over there, Dakota couldn't stop tapping on her steering wheel, or on her thigh as she made her way through the onslaught of rain that caused her car to rock a few times. By the time they got to "HQ" and parked in the large garage of the back, Dak contemplated on even getting out.

She didn't know these people, she didn't know what to expect at all. It wasn't that she was scared, she knew that they weren't ballsy enough to pull anything on their "idol's" daughter.

It wasn't even the fact that they all were somehow moronic and intimidating in the same, which was a fatal combination.

It was honestly the sheer, fearful realization that she was  actually doing this  and she had no idea what could come of being with these men and joining their crew.

Dakota had no idea where her life was about to take her, and she abhorred not being able to even slightly predict and outcomes. What if she had made a mistake? What if Toshi had been wrong about these people and gave them more credit than they were worth? As she obscurely observed the British one, Gavin as she had remembered (and also as he had told her when she signed on to Geoff's offer, running up to her like a small child and shaking her hand vigorously and telling her how excited he was,) while he was thrown into a wall by the curly haired one, causing an uproar of laughter as the poor man knocked his head hard, she felt that maybe Toshi was perhaps wrong.

They were all too... human as she had noted before. Crews weren't meant to have any kind of living being quality to them. They were supposed to be hard, rugged, professional, and sure, in their down time, they could have a little bit of freedom, but these guys? It was like watching a movie, because only movies could depict a rag tag team of criminals that were somehow immortal in their line of work but completely foolish out of jobs.

She had only been with one other crew before, one that her and her dad had picked up around the outside of San Andreas when she was about seventeen. They stayed with it for a few months before finding out it wasn't their cup of tea, leaving them to branch off and go as a duo again. But in the small amount of time she had been with them, she grew accustomed to the biases that society put on crews and the members in them: they were all tough as hell, focused at all times, well composed, and the only time they ever stopped for a break was after a successful job, and even then they immediately went right back to it.

The six men before her, horsing around and laughing so hard that they were toppling over one another, were nothing at all compared to that crew. And that's what made her nervous. The professionalism she was so strict to adhere herself to seemed to be thrown out of the window as they walker her along that lifeless corridor, and she didn't know how they were going to impress her afterwards. She wondered if there was a way she could turn back.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of walking, Dakota stopped abruptly when she realized that her fellow "acquaintances" had halted, piling one by one into a spacious room completely filled with windows except for the wall that possessed the entrance. Dak was the last to enter, and it took her a moment to comprehend that everything was silent as the men were sat down at a long, mahogany table, Geoff on the other end standing, waiting.

When the Game Changed (Ryan Haywood x OC) (Fake AH Crew)Where stories live. Discover now