Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey guys. This chapter is a bit shorter because it's a filler mainly, and I'm sorry for that, but we all know fillers help retain the plot just as well as chapters filled with the actual exciting stuff. Stuff is about to start kicking off after this one too, so be ready! I'm so thankful for all the love I've been getting. You guys are great. Please keep at the feedback! Love y'all <3


What the hell am I doing?!

The car was cold from the air conditioner, the leather seats inside the Coquette taking in the cold rather than deflecting it. The fact that Los Santos was still underneath the spell of rain and clouds and gloom didn't help either, but the end of the day promised clearer skies and warmer weather, being the last day of darkness.

Dakota didn't make it much better either because for some reason, she was wearing athletic shorts and a tank top to match instead of dressing a little more for the part, but she had places to be or else she was finally going to go crazy.

Not only had it been days after her night that she spent at Ryan's- which was tearing away at her every move and breath and thought,- but also the preparations to go into the heist were speeding up, along with more altercations with Geoff and butting heads with him, and the last thing: Lahey.

There was so much going on inside of her mind that she felt like she was going absolutely nuts, like the gears were breaking down and her brain was about to combust into flames along with her heart and maybe her stomach? And if it wasn't one thing that was grinding at her insides, eating away at everything that she was, then it was another, and that was the thing that was the worst.

Lahey was one story on its own. It wasn't just because he was slowly and surely learning more about the crew and uncovering things that had long been forsaken- and they only knew this because Lester was right there at his every move, giving him away and trying his hardest to steer the man from the crew, but to no avail- but it was that Lahey knew one person's name in particular: Dakota's.

It didn't make sense at first how he dug up so much about her, knowing her name and past and everything that no other cop, no other agent knew. But Lester bid that when he saw her face at her little stake out on her own, then he obsessively tried his hardest to get information on her, maybe even riling up some old contacts from his bad cop/good cop days. There were files on the man's computer (that Lest completely hacked into) that brought up so many things about Dakota that it wasn't even funny.

There weren't just files on her history, but evaluations, observations of her, and things like places she would be at, people she was with, things that looked suspicious, dates, times, everything. Lahey was stalking her, making note of every little thing she did and trying to get information on everybody else at her expense, and if that wasn't hard enough to deal with, then she didn't know what was.

Dakota felt like she was the reason that the crew was going to get caught, to get found out, and it pressured her to make sure that when her gut told her she was being followed, especially on a setup for the heist with any of the guys with her, that she evaded the invisible presence until it was gone. The stalking, the files that popped up every consecutive day, hearing from Lester that "yet again, Lahey is on your ass, be more evasive," it didn't help ease her conscience or the stress that she was already feeling.

But Lahey wasn't the only one who stressed her out. Geoff was a big contributor to the pressure that was welling up deep inside of her.

No matter what the situation may be, anytime that she was around her boss or in some kind of way related to him for God knows what, there was so much tension, and that wasn't even the worst part. It was the actual fights, the actual things that happened when they both started to yell and scream and not see eye to eye, that was the worst of it all.

When the Game Changed (Ryan Haywood x OC) (Fake AH Crew)Where stories live. Discover now