Chapter 3

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AN: Hey guys! I really appreciate if you're still here! Thanks for the love <3 Once again, I hope that it's interesting enough to keep you all here. Love you and thank you!


"Wait, what?!" Dakota gritted through her teeth, trying her hardest not to yell back down the phone at one of the most notorious gang bosses of current affairs, although she was absolutely past the point of pissed off. It had been one whole day from the incident, and the first time that she could even reach the Triads, this was the news she got?

"I'm sorry, Ms. Dayley, but our little endeavor is off. Whatever had happened down at the Davis building built up too much, and I understand you have the manifests, but I cannot currently accept them," Toshi Hamada sighed on the other end of the line. He too was totally devastated by the fact that he wouldn't be able to possess those manifests, but the attention that her and the other team caused was critically fatal, and he just couldn't take them. The FIB were hard on his tail and his men, and he just couldn't take the risk of them owning those documents and somehow getting charged for the robbing of them and intentions to deceit banks all across the state. No matter how mad it made him, those were the facts, and he would have rather stuck to drug deals and rivalries with other gangs than attempting to rob banks.

it just wasn't his style. He was a white-collar crime boss that had an international record, and he couldn't associate himself with taking currency from the government because he believed it was a petty and conniving thing to do anyways. He'd much rather steal from the other kingpins.

"But we had a deal!" Dakota bit back.

"Yes, and it's a pity it had to end this way, but there's nothing you can do about it. I can't take the costs. Keep the manifests for yourself or sell them, it doesn't matter to me, but the Triads simply can't accept them. It's too risky for our corporation."

Dakota held back a sneer of dissatisfaction as she started to wonder why she even tried with these guys sometimes. There was no way past their thick skulls once they had an idea locked into it.

"What about the men that ruined my operation? I don't recall that as part of our deal," she retorted, trying to keep him on the line as long as possible so she could process what was going on. The first thing to do was ask about those men, the four guys that had busted inside while she was retrieving the files. She wanted to know what that was, first off. "I'm really hoping it wasn't a setup, Toshi."

The man paused on the other side of the phone, trying to recollect his thoughts. Yes, he had sent more people after the manifests, but that was because Dakota hadn't advanced on them as quick as he thought she would, and at the time, he was prepared to dismiss her as traitorous for leaving their little pact behind. He forgot then that she was a one person band and reacted as brazenly as he could of at the time.

"I apologize, Dakota. You simply didn't make a move quick enough. This deal had been on the table for two months, and I knew it'd take the other crew half that time, so I hired them also. Think of it as a friendly competition, but don't be foolish enough to think you were set up-"

"Are you kidding me?" Dakota questioned cynically, "So you're telling me that you just hired someone else to try to beat me out?! You couldn't have contacted me and asked my progress?!"

"I realize now it was very rash, Ms. Dayley-"

"Yeah, no shit, and look at the position it put us both in! I don't get paid and you don't get your manifests that you were so worried about you got two totally different crews to work on getting!"

Toshi was getting agitated at this point. He had contacted the other crew's leader and already got criticized, he wasn't going to let it happen again.

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