Chapter 5: Endlessly Sweet

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"How are you sleeping Alexander?" Dr. Murphy always began our sessions with a question. I wonder if he pre-plans what he is going to say, because oddly our meetings seem scripted.

"What even is sleep?" I mumbled and even as I spoke I could feel the fatigue and tiredness ready to consume me. I would spend every night out wandering the streets of LA and getting into all kinds of trouble rather than spend another night lying in an oversized bed and staring at the ceiling until my eyes burned with the need for sleep. Sleep that would never come no matter how many times I wished it would.

"Are the meds not working for you?"

"I don't take them." I shrugged remembering the numb feeling they caused. I'd rather suffer the torments of my mind than be completely and utterly emotionless. My world was so black and white on those meds at least right now everything was green.


It had been almost a week since I had last seen Abel, yet thoughts of his green eyes haunted me. After all this time I didn't expect to get a text from him, so when the message caused my phone to buzz and my screen to light up I was shocked. A single three letters made me smile for what felt like the first time in too long. "Hey." Read the simple grey text on my screen.

"Hello." I replied, debating for too long if an emoji was necessary or not. His response was almost immediate reading the standard 'what's up?' I was about to be completely honest and reply with 'nothing much, you?' But then I realized how much of a conversation killer that would be. So instead I settled for "About to grab some lunch, you hungry?"

I waited impatiently for his response, scrolling through snapchat stories and selectively picking who was worthy of my views. Abel's text had me exiting out of snapchat so quickly my phone lagged. "Starving :)" I mentally cheered while I typed out my reply.

"I'll pick you up?" I asked trying to be polite but not too creepy. Luckily he said sure with his address following. I left my house immediately knowing even with GPS I'd end up taking a wrong turn and yelling at the stupid Los Angeles traffic and the idiot drivers that insist on driving ten under the speed limit.

I struggled to pick a car to drive but I eventually settled for the royal blue Bentley. For once the weather wasn't scorching hot, but instead there was a cool breeze that made me want to cruise with the top down. So I did. And after ten minutes and two wrong turns I pulled up to Abel's address. It was a nice area littered with palm trees and tropical flowers. I wasn't even surprised that he lived in a loft. It fit him and his artist lifestyle perfectly.

I knocked on his door waiting patiently for him to answer but instead of him opening the door I was faced with a stranger. She was tall, taller than me by an inch or so and I quickly took note of her heels. She is beautiful. With dark brown skin and bright hazel eyes. Her curly hair was tied up in a fancy up-do, and her clothes hugged her curvy figure nicely.

I shyly took a step back muttering something about having the wrong address when she stopped me. "You are here for Abel right?" She laughed watching me nod. "Come right inside. He was just grabbing shoes."

I said a quick thanks stepping inside the loft. The place was really nice. It consisted of a lot of grays and blacks and boyish decor with an artist's touch. Unfinished paintings were propped against the wall and others stood on easels.

There was a small kitchen area and table along with a simple family area with a large brown couch and TV. Past that there was a black wooden staircase leading up to what I assumed was a bedroom and bathroom.

I took a seat of the leather sofa glancing at the woman who had greeted me at the door. "Oh I totally forgot to introduce myself, I'm Veronica!" She smiled widely, showing off her straight white teeth.

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