Chapter 9: Just Tryna Get Along

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WARNING: contains sexual material and burnt cupcakes. Read at your own risk. :)

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

"It has been a while Alexander, how are you?" I shrugged, my heart and head swimming with mixed emotions. Nothing made sense anymore. And for once I felt the need to vent to my therapist. Normally I could sit here and give vague witty answers but today I had a lot on my mind.

"I'm seeing someone..." I mumbled and by the way Dr. Murphy sat up straighter in his desk chair I knew he was shocked. It made sense though, after all the times I ranted about my dislike for dating and my subtle hate for people.

I went through a dark patch...

"Who is this someone?" That wasn't any of his business but I was going to answer anyways.

"His name is Abel." I stated calmly, Dr. Murphy nodded clearly eager to hear more. "He's a drug addict." I watched the older man close his eyes and take a deep breath in as if to calm his mind.

I refused to make eye contact knowing I would see disappointment written all over his face. I wasn't supposed to pursue anyone; it wasn't a smart choice seeing as I wasn't "stable" enough to handle it.

I think I could handle it. Nobody else did.

"Oh, Alexander... What made you think this was a good idea?" I shook my head quickly.

"I never thought it was a good idea... " I shrugged my shoulders casually. "That's why I did it."

Dr. Murphy laced his hands together, leaning back in his desk chair. "Do you regret pursuing him?"

I didn't even have to think about my answer. "Pursuing him was the best decision I have ever made."


"Did that sound okay?" I placed my bow down on my lap glancing over to see Abel sprawled on the floor with all kinds of graphite pencils and chalks strewn around him and his sketchbook.

"It sounded like- like the symphony of a freaking God or something unworldly like that." He looked up from his sketches dusting his stained fingertips on the dark material of his shirt. I smiled at him before glancing back to the bow placed in my lap, my fingers running over the strings of my cello.

"I think measure twenty four could be better with dynamics. Maybe if I implement more of a crescendo at measure twenty-three I'll have a better transition into-" I looked up hearing Abel's laugh. "What's so funny?" I smiled, enjoying the sound of his laughter and seeing him smile. Only two nights ago I had found him a crying mess in my bathroom.

"You're talking to me like I actually know what a measure or a crescendo is." He tried to hide his smile with his hand but instead smeared graphite on his cheek. Adorable. I shook my head, a rare smile stretched across my face. "It sounds beautiful Alexander... you're freaking amazing." I felt the blush rise on my cheeks.

"You don't have to try to make me feel better..." I shook my head moving from the seat by the window and making my way towards the sleek piano that stood adjacent to the other instruments. "I know I'm not that good... my parents tell me all the time."

"Your parents are animals." Abel scoffed, gripping his pencil harder than he should have. "Not many people have your talent Alexander... have a little confidence." His lips twitched into an encouraging smile before he was once again focused on his notebook.

"Thank you Abel."

"Don't thank me... that's what I'm here for." He murmured softly. I leaned over picking up the stack of scores next to my piano and flipping through them. Some were familiar; some were ones I already knew.

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