Chapter 13: No Good Deed

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Alexander left his room in a hurry. He had quite literally thrown on cloths and bolted out of his room to his impending conversation with his father. I was left alone, pacing around his bed and finding comfort in the oversized flannel I stole out of his closet. 

I found myself consumed in thought, fabricating different scenarios of all kinds. Would his dad yell at him? Disown him? Hurt him? Kick him out? I kept seeing different outcomes, and every one of them ended in Alexander being hurt or brought to tears. The image of him crying had my hands shaking with guilt and unease.

I will blame myself if anything bad happens to him. All he wanted to do was cheer me up... everything he did, he did it with good intentions and yet he suffers for it. I will never understand why. 

Why did life need to get this much more complicated for us? We keep trying and trying to be apart of this, to fix everything and every severed relationship, to pull ourselves out of the hole we dug, but every time we see the light it seems to pull away. Like a game, the light was escaping us, and I was getting tired of reaching. If it would pull away each time, why the fuck are we still trying? Damn if we do and damn if we don't.

I leaned against the wall opposite of the door, slowly lowering myself to the floor, pulling my knees to my chest.

So much for a clear head.

I let the anxiousness flow through me. My head pounding with overbearing thoughts that I desperately tried to push away, all the while feeling sad and ashamed for thinking about the medicine cabinet in Alexander's bathroom. My fingers clenched and unclenched; jaw tight as I focused on my heartbeat and the memory of cool water falling over my head.

"You look like shit..."

I glanced up quickly, praying to see Alexander stood in front of me, but deflating when I see Devin stood in the doorway. He looked so much like Alexander, just older and with brown eyes and facial hair. I let out a sigh, involuntarily running my fingers through my hair, trying to fix the stray locks. "Thanks..." I mumbled sarcastically causing a smirk to grow on his face. He is so much like Alexander.

"No problem Pixie..." He wandered into the room, taking a seat on the floor next to me. "Care to talk?" He asked looking sincere and honest. I shrugged my shoulders not finding anything worth saying in that precise moment. I just wanted to know if Alexander would be okay, and he couldn't tell me that. Devin sighed, subconsciously cracking his knuckles in what seemed to be a bad habit.

I let the silence drag on, only finding the slightest comfort in Devin's presence. He seemed to be struggling for words, probably feeling the depressive energy I was emanating. He looked a little misplaced and awkward, and I assumed it was because he was sat on the floor with his younger brother's... well... me.

Devin shifted, dragging his fingers through his hair. "It wasn't always like this." His voice filled the silence drawing my attention away from the door and towards him. "We uh, we seem like a mess- we are a mess, but it wasn't always like this." He voiced, locking his gaze with me. It was odd, the eye contact. It reminded me of the countless times Alexander would drag his blue eyes away from me, a red hue to his cheeks as he complained about my staring. He would always claim that it made him feel shy.

"We were a family at one point... Maybe it was the happiness of having kids, but our parents were infatuated with each other. It wasn't until we got older and that happiness kinda faded, ya know?" I nodded my head, grasping onto each word like they were rare gems. "Our mom found out about our father cheating on her and everything went downhill from there." I watched him trace a downhill motion with his hand, his eyes having drifted to the white wall.

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